Biographies: Notable Actors
Updated August 5, 2020 |
Infoplease Staff

Notable Actors
- Abraham, F. Murray, actor
- Adams, Amy, actor
- Adams, Maude, actor
- Adler, Stella, actor, director, and acting teacher
- Affleck, Ben, actor, screenwriter
- Agutter, Jenny, actor
- Aiello, Danny, actor
- Alba, Jessica, actor
- Albert, Eddie, actor
- Albertson, Jack, actor
- Alda, Alan, actor
- Aldridge, Ira Frederick, actor
- Alexander, Jason, actor
- Allen, Debbie, actor, producer, director, choreographer
- Allen, Gracie, actor
- Allen, Joan, actor
- Allen, Tim, actor
- Allen, Woody, actor
- Alley, Kirstie, actor
- Alleyn, Edward, actor
- Ameche, Don, actor
- Anderson, Dame Judith, actor
- Anderson, Gillian, actor
- Anderson, Pamela, actor, model, internet celebrity
- Andreini, Isabella Canali, actor
- Andrews, Julie, actor
- Andrews, Naveen, actor
- Aniston, Jennifer, actor
- Ann-Margret, actor
- Anwar, Gabrielle, actor
- Applegate, Christina, actor
- Arbuckle, Fatty, actor, director
- Arden, Eve, actor
- Arkin, Adam, actor, director
- Arkin, Alan, actor, director
- Arliss, George, actor
- Arness, James, actor
- Arquette, Patricia, actor
- Arquette, Rosanna, actor
- Ashcroft, Dame Peggy, actor
- Ashley, Elizabeth, actor
- Asner, Ed, actor
- Assante, Armand, actor
- Astor, Mary, actor
- Atkinson, Rowan, actor, writer
- Auberjonois, René, actor
- Aykroyd, Dan, actor, director
- Ayres, Lew, actor
- Azaria, Hank, actor
- Béjart, family of actors
- Bacall, Lauren, actor
- Bach, Catherine, actor
- Bacon, Kevin, actor
- Baio, Scott, actor
- Baker, Joe Don, actor
- Baker, Kathy, actor
- Baker, Kenny, actor
- Bakula, Scott, actor, tv producer
- Baldwin, Alec, actor
- Baldwin, William, actor
- Bale, Christian, actor
- Ball, Lucille, actor, comedian
- Ball, Lucille, actor and producer
- Balsam, Martin, actor
- Bamber, Jamie, actor
- Bana, Eric, actor
- Bancroft, Anne, actor
- Bancroft, Marie Effie Wilton, Lady, actor and manager
- Banderas, Antonio, actor
- Bankhead, Tallulah, actor
- Bannen, Ian, actor
- Banner, John, actor
- Bara, Theda, actor
- Baranski, Christine, actor
- Barbeau, Adrienne, actor
- Bardem, Javier, actor
- Bardot, Brigitte, actor
- Barkin, Ellen, actor
- Baron or Boyron, Michel, one of the first great actors
- Barrault, Jean-Louis, actor and director
- Barrett, Lawrence, actor
- Barry, Elizabeth, actor
- Barrymore, family of actors
- Barrymore, Drew, actor
- Barrymore, Ethel, actor
- Barrymore, John, actor
- Barrymore, Lionel, actor
- Barrymore, Maurice, actor
- Barton, Mischa, actor
- Barty, Billy, actor
- Basinger, Kim, actor
- Bassett, Angela, actor
- Bates, Kathy, actor
- Baxter, Anne, actor
- Beach, Adam, actor
- Beal, John, actor
- Beatty, Ned, actor
- Beatty, Warren, actor, filmmaker
- Beckinsale, Kate, actor
- Bedard, Irene, actor, singer
- Bedford, Brian, actor,
- Beek, James Van Der, actor
- Beery, Noah, actor
- Beery, Noah, Jr., actor
- Bellamy, Ralph, actor
- Bellucci, Monica, actor, model
- Belmondo, Jean-Paul, actor
- Belushi, James, actor
- Belushi, John, actor, comedian
- Benigni, Roberto, actor, filmmaker
- Bening, Annette, actor
- Bennett, Haley, actor
- Berenger, Tom, actor
- Berg, Peter, actor, filmmaker
- Bergen, Candice, actor
- Bergman, Ingrid, actor
- Berle, Milton, actor
- Bernhardt, Sarah, actor
- Berry, Halle, actor
- Best, Ahmed, actor, dancer
- Betterton, Thomas, actor and manager
- Biehn, Michael, actor
- Biel, Jessica, actor
- Binoche, Juliette, actor
- Birch, Thora, actor
- Bisset, Jacqueline, actor
- Bixby, Bill, actor, tv director
- Black, Jack, actor, rock musician
- Black, Shirley Temple, actor
- Blades, Ruben, actor, musician, composer
- Blair, Linda, actor
- Blalock, Jolene, actor
- Blanc, Mel, actor, voice specialist
- Blanchett, Cate, actor
- Bleeth, Yasmine, actor
- Bleu, Corbin, actor, singer
- Bloom, Claire, actor
- Bloom, Orlando, actor
- Blunt, Emily, actor
- Bogarde, Dirk, actor
- Bogart, Humphrey, actor
- Bogosian, Eric, actor, playwright, monologuist
- Bonaduce, Danny, actor, radio personality
- Booth, Edwin, one of the first great actors
- Booth, Junius Brutus, actor
- Borgnine, Ernest, actor
- Bosley, Tom, actor
- Bow, Clara, actor
- Boyer, Charles, actor
- Boyle, Lara Flynn, actor
- Boyle, Peter, actor
- Bracegirdle, Anne, actor
- Braff, Zach, actor, filmmaker
- Branagh, Kenneth, actor, director, producer
- Brandauer, Klaus Maria, actor, director
- Brando, Marlon, actor
- Brandy, actor, singer
- Bratt, Benjamin, actor
- Braugher, André, actor
- Brett, Jeremy, actor
- Bridges, Beau, actor
- Bridges, Jeff, actor
- Bridges, Lloyd, actor
- Brimley, Wilford, actor
- Broadbent, Jim, actor
- Broderick, Matthew, actor
- Brody, Adrien, actor
- Bronson, Charles, actor
- Brooks, Albert, actor, director, screenwriter
- Brooks, Avery, actor
- Brooks, Mel, actor, director, screenwriter, producer
- Brosnan, Pierce, actor
- Brown, Bryan, actor
- Chris Brown, actor
- Brynner, Yul, actor
- Bujold, Genevieve, actor
- Bullock, Sandra, actor
- Burbage, Richard, first great actor
- Burghoff, Gary, actor
- Burke, Bille, actor
- Burns, Brooke, actor
- Burns, George, actor, comedian
- Burns, Steve, actor, musician
- Burr, Raymond, actor
- Burstyn, Ellen, actor
- Burton, Amanda, actor
- Burton, LeVar, actor
- Burton, Richard, actor
- Buscemi, Steve, actor
- Busey, Gary, actor
- Butler, Brett, actor, comedian
- Butler, Gerard, actor
- Buttons, Red, actor, comedian
- Bynes, Amanda, actor
- Byrne, Gabriel, actor
- Caan, James, actor, director
- Cage, Nicolas, actor
- Cagney, James, actor
- Cain, Dean, actor
- Caine, Michael, actor
- Caldwell, Zoe, actor
- Campbell, Bruce, actor
- Campbell, Louise, actor
- Campbell, Mrs. Patrick, actor
- Campbell, Neve, actor
- Candy, John, actor, comedian
- Cannon, Dyan, actor
- Cardellini, Linda, actor
- Carell, Steve, actor
- Carey, Drew, actor
- Carney, Art, actor
- Carnovsky, Morris, actor
- Carradine, David, actor
- Carradine, Keith, actor, singer
- Carrere, Tia, actor
- Carrey, Jim, actor, comedian
- Carson, Violet, actor
- Carter, Helena Bonham, actor
- Carter, Mrs. Leslie, actor
- Caruso, David, actor
- Cassavetes, John, actor and director
- Cassidy, Joanna, actor
- Castle-Hughes, Keisha, actor
- Cates, Phoebe, actor
- Caviezel, Jim, actor
- Cera, Michael, actor
- Chamberlain, Richard, actor
- Chan, Jackie, actor, filmmaker
- Chaney, Lon, actor
- Chaney, Lon, Jr., actor
- Channing, Stockard, actor
- Chaplin, Charlie, actor
- Chase, Chevy, actor, comedian
- Cheadle, Don, actor
- Chen, Joan, actor, director
- Cher, actor, singer
- Chevalier, Maurice, singer and actor
- Chiklis, Michael, actor
- Cho, Margaret, actor, comedian
- Chokachi, David, actor
- Christensen, Hayden, actor
- Christie, Gwendoline, actor
- Christie, Julie, actor
- Church, Thomas Haden, actor
- Clapp, Gordon, actor
- Clarke, Melinda, actor
- Clarkson, Patricia, actor
- Clayburgh, Jill, actor
- Cleef, Lee Van, actor
- Cleese, John, actor, writer
- Clift, Montgomery, actor
- Clive, Kitty, singer and actor
- Clooney, George, actor
- Close, Glenn, actor
- Cobb, Lee J., actor
- Coburn, James, actor
- Coca, Imogene, actor, comedienne
- Sacha Baron Cohen, actor
- Colbert, Claudette, actor
- Coleman, Dabney, actor
- Coleman, Gary, actor
- Collins, Joan, actor, writer
- Colman, Ronald, actor
- Connelly, Jennifer, actor
- Connery, Sir Sean, actor
- Conrad, Robert, actor
- Coogan, Jackie, actor
- Cook, Rachael Leigh, actor
- Cooper, Gary, actor
- Coquelin, Benoît Constant, actor
- Corbett, John, actor
- Cornell, Katharine, actor
- Cosby, Bill, actor, comedian
- Costner, Kevin, actor, filmmaker
- Cox, Nikki, actor
- Cox-Arquette, Courteney, actor
- Coyote, Peter, actor
- Crabtree, Lotta, actor
- Craig, Daniel, actor
- Craig, Yvonne, actor
- Crane, Bob, actor
- Crawford, Joan, actor
- Crenna, Richard, actor
- Cromwell, James, actor
- Cronyn, Hume, actor, filmmaker, theater director
- Crosby, Mary, actor
- Crothers, Scatman, actor
- Crouse, Lindsay, actor
- Crowe, Russell, actor
- Crudup, Billy, actor
- Cruise, Tom, actor
- Cruz, Penelope, actor
- Crystal, Billy, actor, comedian
- Culkin, Macaulay, actor
- Curry, Tim, actor, singer
- Curtis, Jamie Lee, actor
- Curtis, Tony, actor
- Cusack, John, actor
- Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, one of the first outstanding actores
- Cuthbert, Elisha, actor
- Cyrus, Miley, actor
- Dafoe, Willem, actor
- Dalton, Timothy, actor
- Daly, Arnold, actor
- Damme, Jean-Claude Van, actor
- Damon, Matt, actor
- Dandridge, Dorothy, actor, singer
- Danes, Claire, actor
- Dangerfield, Rodney, actor, comedian
- Daniels, Anthony, actor
- Daniels, Jeff, actor
- Danner, Blythe, actor
- Danson, Ted, actor
- Darren, James, actor, singer
- Davies, Marion, actor
- Davis, Bette, actor
- Davis, Donald, actor
- Davis, Geena, actor
- Davis, Judy, actor
- Davis, Ossie, actor, filmmaker, activist, theater director
- Davis, Sammy, Jr., actor, dancer, singer
- Dawson, Richard, actor, game show host
- Day-Lewis, Daniel, actor
- De Niro, Robert, actor
- Dean, James, actor
- Dee, Ruby, actor, writer, activist
- Dee, Sandra, actor
- DeGeneres, Ellen, actor, comedian
- Delany, Dana, actor
- Delpy, Julie, actor
- DeLuise, Dom, actor, comedian
- Dempsey, Patrick, actor
- Dench, Dame Judi, actor
- Dench, Dame Judi, actor
- Deneuve, Catherine, actor
- DeNiro, Robert, actor, filmmaker
- Denison, Anthony, actor
- Dennehy, Brian, actor
- Denver, Bob, actor
- Depardieu, Gérard, actor
- Depp, Johnny, actor
- Derek, Bo, actor
- Dern, Bruce, actor
- Dern, Laura, actor
- Deschanel, Zooey, actor
- DeVito, Danny, actor, director, producer
- Devrient, Ludwig, actor
- Dewhurst, Colleen, actor
- Diaz, Cameron, actor
- DiCaprio, Leonardo, actor
- Dick, Andy, actor, comedian
- Dickinson, Angie, actor
- Diesel, Vin, actor, filmmaker
- Dietrich, Marlene, actor and singer
- Diggs, Taye, actor
- Dillon, Matt, actor
- Doherty, Shannen, actor
- Donahue, Troy, actor
- Donat, Robert, actor, director
- D'Onofrio, Vincent, actor
- Doohan, James, actor
- Dorn, Michael, actor
- Douglas, Kirk, actor, movie producer
- Douglas, Michael, actor, movie producer
- Down, Lesley-Anne, actor
- Downey, Robert, Jr., actor
- Doyle, David, actor
- Dressler, Marie, actor
- Drew, Georgianna, actor
- Drew, John, actor
- Dreyfuss, Richard, actor
- Driver, Minnie, actor
- Dru, Joanne, actor
- Duchovny, David, actor
- Duff, Hilary, actor, singer
- Dukakis, Olympia, actor
- Duke, Patty, actor
- Dullin, Charles, actor
- Dunaway, Faye, actor
- Duncan, Sandy, actor
- Dunst, Kirsten, actor
- Durning, Charles, actor
- Duse, Eleonora, actor
- Dushku, Eliza, actor
- Duvall, Robert, actor, filmmaker
- Duvall, Shelley, actor
- Dyke, Dick Van, actor
- Eastwood, Clint, actor, filmmaker
- Ebsen, Buddy, actor
- Eddy, Nelson, actor, singer
- Edwards, Anthony, actor
- Edwards, Vince, actor
- Efron, Zac, actor
- Eggert, Nicole, actor
- Ejiofor, Chiwetel, actor
- Electra, Carmen, actor, singer
- Eleniak, Erika, actor
- Elfman, Jenna, actor
- Elizabeth, Shannon, actor
- Elliott, Denholm, actor
- Elliott, Sam, actor
- Entertainer, Cedric The, actor, comedian
- Estevez, Emilio, actor, director, screenwriter
- Evans, Dame Edith, actor
- Evans, Maurice, actor
- Everett, Chad, actor
- Everett, Rupert, actor
- Fabray, Nanette, actor, singer
- Fairbanks, Douglas, actor
- Falk, Peter, actor
- Fanning, Dakota, actor
- Farley, Chris, actor, comedian
- Farnsworth, Richard, actor
- Farrell, Colin, actor
- Farrow, Mia, actor
- Fawcett, Farrah, actor
- Fay, Frank, actors
- Feldman, Marty, actor
- Felix, Maria, actor
- Felton, Tom, actor
- Ferguson, Stacy "Fergie", actor, singer
- Ferrell, Will, actor, comedian
- Ferrer, José Vicente, actor
- Ferrer, Mel, actor
- Ferrera, America, actor
- Ferrigno, Lou, actor, bodybuilder
- Field, Sally, actor
- Fields, W. C., comic actor
- Fiennes, Ralph, actor
- Finney, Albert, actor,
- Fiorentino, Linda, actor
- Firth, Colin, actor
- Fishburne, Laurence, actor
- Fisher, Carrie, actor, writer
- Fiske, Minnie Maddern, actor
- Flockhart, Calista, actor
- Flynn, Errol, actor
- Fonda, Bridget, actor
- Fonda, Henry, actor
- Fonda, Jane, actor, activist
- Fonda, Peter, actor, filmmaker
- Forbes-Robertson, Sir Johnston, actor-manager
- Ford, Glenn, actor
- Ford, Harrison, actor
- Forrest, Edwin, actor
- Forster, Robert, actor
- Foster, Ben, actor
- Foster, Frances, actor
- Foster, Jodie, actor, filmmaker
- Fox, Michael J., actor
- Foxworthy, Jeff, actor, comedian
- Foxx, Jamie, actor
- Frakes, Jonathan, actor, filmmaker
- Frances McDormand, actor
- Francis, Arlene, actor, tv personality
- Franz, Dennis, actor
- Fraser, Brendan, actor
- Freeman, Morgan, actor
- Fry, Stephen, actor, writer
- Frye, Soleil Moon, actor
- Funicello, Annette, actor
- Gabin, Jean, actor
- Gable, Clark, actor
- Gabor, Eva, actor
- Gabor, Zsa Zsa, actor
- Gandolfini, James, actor
- Garbo, Greta, actor
- Garcia, Andy, actor
- Gardner, Ava, actor
- Garland, Judy, actor, singer
- Garner, James, actor
- Garner, Jennifer, actor
- Garofalo, Janeane, actor, comedian
- Garrick, David, actor
- Garson, Greer, actor
- Garth, Jennie, actor
- Gaynor, Mitzi, actor, dancer
- Geddes, Barbara Bel, actor
- Gellar, Sarah Michelle, actor
- Gere, Richard, actor
- Ghostley, Alice, actor
- Giacomo, Laura San, actor
- Giamatti, Paul, actor
- Gibson, Hoot, actor
- Gibson, Mel, actor, filmmaker
- Gielgud, Sir John, actor, director, and producer
- Gillain, Marie, actor
- Gillette, William, actor and dramatist
- Gish, Lillian, actor
- Gleason, Jackie, actor, comedian
- Glenn, Scott, actor
- Glover, Danny, actor, director
- Goddard, Paulette, actor, philanthropist
- Goldblum, Jeff, actor
- Gooding, Cuba, Jr., actor
- Goodman, John, actor
- Gordon, Ruth, actor and playwright
- Gosling, Ryan, actor
- Gossett, Louis, Jr., actor
- Gould, Elliott, actor
- Grable, Betty, actor
- Grace, Topher, actor
- Grammer, Kelsey, actor
- Granger, Stewart, actor
- Grant, Cary, actor
- Grant, Hugh, actor
- Gray, Spalding, actor, monologuist
- Green, Eva, actor
- Greene, Graham, actor
- Greene, Lorne, actor
- Greenstreet, Sydney, actor
- Grey, Joel, actor, singer, dancer
- Grier, Pam, actor
- Griffith, Andy, actor
- Griffith, Melanie, actor
- Grint, Rupert, actor
- Grodin, Charles, actor, producer
- Guest, Christopher, actor, writer, director
- Guinness, Sir Alec, actor
- Guitry, Lucien Germain, actor and producer
- Guitry, Sacha, actor, director, playwright, screenwriter
- Gurney, Rachel, actor
- Guttenberg, Steve, actor
- Gwyn or Gwynn, Nell, actor
- Gwynne, Fred, actor
- Gyllenhaal, Jake, actor
- Gyllenhaal, Maggie, actor
- Hackman, Gene, actor
- Hagman, Larry, actor
- Hale, Alan, actor, director
- Hale, Alan Jr., actor
- Hall, Anthony Michael, actor, singer
- Hall, Huntz, actor
- Hallam, Lewis, actor
- Hamill, Mark, actor
- Hamilton, George, actor
- Hamilton, Lisa Gay, actor
- Hamilton, Margaret, actor
- Hampden, Walter, actor
- Hanks, Tom, actor
- Hannah, Daryl, actor
- Hannigan, Alyson, actor
- Harden, Marcia Gay, actor
- Hardy, Oliver, actor
- Hare, Sir John, actor-manager
- Harlow, Jean, movie star
- Harmon, Mark, actor
- Harnois, Elisabeth, actor
- Harper, Valerie, actor
- Harrelson, Woody, actor
- Harris, Ed, actor
- Harris, Julie, actor
- Harris, Richard, actor
- Harrison, Rex, actor
- Hart, Melissa Joan, actor
- Hartman, Phil, actor, comedian
- Hartnett, Josh, actor
- Hasselhoff, David, actor, singer
- Hatcher, Teri, actor
- Hathaway, Anne, actor
- Hauer, Rutger, actor
- Havilland, Olivia De, actor
- Hawke, Ethan, actor
- Hawn, Goldie, actor, movie producer
- Hayek, Salma, actor
- Hayes, Helen, actor
- Hayward, Susan, actor
- Hayworth, Rita, actor
- Heard, Amber, actor
- Heche, Anne, actor
- Heder, Jon, actor
- Hedren, Tippi, actor
- Heflin, Van, actor
- Held, Anna, musical comedy actor
- Hemingway, Margaux, actor, model
- Hemingway, Mariel, actor
- Henderson, Florence, actor, singer
- Henriksen, Lance, actor, screenwriter
- Hepburn, Audrey, actor
- Hepburn, Katharine, actor
- Herman, Pee-Wee, actor, comedian, writer
- Heston, Charlton, actor
- Hewitt, Jennifer Love, actor
- Hickey, William, film, television and stage actor
- Hill, Jonah, actor, musician
- Hill, Lauryn, actor, musician
- Hilliard, Harriet, actor
- Hingle, Pat, actor
- Hoffman, Dustin, actor
- Hoffman, Philip Seymour, actor
- Hogan, Paul, actor
- Holbrook, Hal, actor
- Holden, William, actor
- Holly, Lauren, actor
- Holmes, Katie, actor
- Hope, Bob, actor, comedian
- Hopkins, Anthony, actor
- Hopper, Dennis, actor, filmmaker
- Hopper, Hedda, actor, gossip columnist
- Hoskins, Bob, actor
- Houseman, John, actor
- Howard, Leslie, actor
- Howard, Ron, actor, filmmaker
- Howard, Terrence, actor
- Hudson, Kate, actor
- Hudson, Rock, actor
- Huffman, Felicity, actor
- Hulce, Tom, actor
- Hunt, Helen, actor
- Hunt, Linda, actor
- Hunter, Holly, actor
- Hunter, Kim, actor
- Hunter, Tab, actor, singer
- Huppert, Isabelle, actor
- Hurley, Elizabeth, actor
- Hurt, John, actor
- Hurt, William, actor
- Huston, Anjelica, actor
- Huston, Walter, actor
- Hutcherson, Josh, actor
- Hutton, Betty, actor, singer
- Hutton, Timothy, actor
- Ianevski, Stanislav, actor
- Ireland, Jill, actor, producer, writer
- Irons, Jeremy, actor
- Irving, Amy, actor
- Irving, Sir Henry, actor and manager
- Ives, Burl, actor, singer, writer
- Jackman, Hugh, actor
- Jackson, Glenda, actor and politician
- Jackson, Joshua, actor
- Jackson, Samuel L., actor
- Jacobi, Sir Derek, actor
- Jaeckel, Richard, actor
- Janney, Allison, actor
- Jefferson, Joseph, actor
- Jepson, Helen, actor, singer
- Johansson, Scarlett, actor
- Johnson, Amy Jo, actor
- Johnson, Don, actor
- Jolie, Angelina, actor
- Jones, James Earl, actor
- Jones, Jennifer, actor
- Jones, Shirley, actor
- Jones, Tommy Lee, actor
- Jourdan, Louis, actor
- Jouvet, Louis, actor
- Jovovich, Milla, actor, model, singer, songwriter
- Judd, Ashley, actor
- Julia, Raul, actor
- Kahn, Madeline, actor
- Karloff, Boris, actor
- Kaye, Danny, actor, singer
- Kean, Edmund, actor
- Keaton, Buster, actor
- Keaton, Diane, actor, filmmaker
- Keaton, Michael, actor
- Keene, Laura, actor-manager
- Keener, Catherine, actor
- Keitel, Harvey, actor
- Keith, Brian, actor
- Kellerman, Sally, actor
- Kelley, DeForest, actor
- Kelly, Grace, actor, royalty
- Kemble, Roger, actor and manager
- Kennedy, George, actor
- Kidder, Margot, actor
- Kidman, Nicole, actor
- Kilmer, Val, actor
- Kim, Daniel Dae, actor
- King, Alan, actor, comedian, producer
- Kingsley, Ben, actor
- Kinnear, Greg, actor
- Kinski, Nastassja, actor
- Klemperer, Werner, actor
- Kirby, Malachi, actor
- Kline, Kevin, actor
- Klugman, Jack, actor
- Knef, Hildegard, actor and singer
- Knight, Ted, actor
- T.R. Knight, actor
- Knightley, Keira, actor
- Knotts, Don, actor
- Koenig, Walter, actor
- Kovacs, Ernie, actor, comedian
- Kudrow, Lisa, actor
- Kunis, Mila, actor
- Kurtz, Swoosie, actor
- Kutcher, Ashton, actor
- Kwan, Nancy, actor
- Ladd, Alan, actor
- Ladd, Diane, actor
- Lahr, Bert, comic actor
- Lahti, Christine, actor
- Lake, Ricki, actor, tv personality
- Lake, Veronica, actor
- Lamarr, Hedy, actor
- Lamour, Dorothy, actor
- Lancaster, Burt, actor,
- Lancaster, Burt, actor, movie producer
- Landau, Martin, actor
- Landon, Michael, actor, producer-director, writer
- Landry, Ali, actor
- Lane, Diane, actor
- Lane, Nathan, actor, singer
- Lange, Jessica, actor
- Langtry, Lillie, actor
- Lansbury, Angela, actor
- Larroquette, John, actor
- Larter, Ali, actor
- Latifah, Queen, actor, rapper, singer
- Laughton, Charles, actor
- Laurie, Piper, actor
- Law, Jude, actor
- Lawford, Peter, actor
- Lawless, Lucy, actor
- Lawrence, Gertrude, actor and singer
- Lawrence, Joey, actor, singer
- Lawrence, Martin, actor, comedian
- Lazenby, George, actor, model
- Le Gallienne, Eva, actor
- Lea, Nicholas, actor
- Leachman, Cloris, actor
- Leary, Denis, actor, comedian
- LeBlanc, Matt, actor
- Lecouvreur, Adrienne, actor
- Ledger, Heath, actor
- Lee, Bruce, actor, martial artist
- Lee, Christopher, actor
- Lee, Jason, actor
- Leguizamo, John, actor, comedian
- Leigh, Janet, actor
- Leigh, Jennifer Jason, actor
- Leigh, Vivien, actor
- Lekain, actor,
- Lemaître, Frédérick, actor
- Lemmon, Jack, actor
- Lenya, Lotte, singer and character actor
- Leonard, Sheldon, actor, producer, director
- Leoni, Tea, actor
- Leto, Jared, actor
- Leung, Katie, actor
- Lewis, Jerry, actor, comedian, filmmaker
- Lewis, Juliette, actor
- Lewis, Matthew, actor
- Lewis, Robert, actor, director, acting teacher
- Li, Gong, actor
- Li, Jet, actor
- Lillard, Matthew, actor
- Lilly, Evangeline, actor
- Linney, Laura, actor
- Liotta, Ray, actor
- Lithgow, John, actor
- Littlefeather, Sacheen, actor
- Liu, Lucy, actor, model
- Llewelyn, Desmond, actor
- Lloyd, Christopher, actor
- Lloyd, Harold, actor, filmmaker
- Lloyd, Jake, actor
- Locke, Sondra, actor, director
- Locklear, Heather, actor
- Loggia, Robert, actor
- Lohan, Lindsay, actor
- Lollobrigida, Gina, actor
- Lombard, Carole, actor
- Long, Matt, actor
- Long, Shelley, actor
- Longoria, Eva, actor
- Lopez, George, actor, comedian
- Lopez, Jennifer, actor, singer
- Lopez, Mario, actor, TV Personality
- Lord, Jack, actor
- Loren, Sophia, actor
- Lorre, Peter, actor
- Lortel, Lucille, actor, theatre producer
- Louis-Dreyfus, Julia, actor
- Louise, Tina, actor
- Lovitz, Jon, actor
- Lowe, Rob, actor
- Loy, Myrna, actor
- Lucci, Susan, actor
- Lugosi, Bela, actor
- Lunt, Alfred and Lynn Fontanne, acting couple
- Lynde, Paul, actor
- Macchio, Ralph, actor
- MacDowell, Andie, actor/model
- MacFadyen, Matthew, actor
- MacGraw, Ali, actor
- Macklin, Charles, actor and dramatist
- MacLachlan, Kyle, actor
- MacLaine, Shirley, actor
- MacMurray, Fred, actor
- MacNicol, Peter, actor
- Macready, William Charles, actor and manager
- Macy, William H., actor
- Madigan, Amy, actor
- Madsen, Virginia, actor
- Magnuson, Ann, actor
- Maguire, Tobey, actor
- Mahoney, John, actor
- Malcolm McDowell, actor
- Malden, Karl, actor
- Malkovich, John, actor
- Manheim, Camryn, actor
- Mansfield, Jayne, actor
- Mantegna, Joe, actor
- Mantooth, Randolph, actor
- Manzano, Sonia, actor
- Marceau, Sophie, actor
- March, Fredric, actor
- Marchand, Nancy, actor
- Margulies, Julianna, actor
- Marin, Cheech, actor, comedian
- Marks, Shae, actor
- Marshall, E.G., actor
- Martin, Mary, musical comedy star
- Martin, Steve, comedian, actor, and writer,
- Marvin, Lee, actor
- Marx Brothers, movie comedians
- Masina, Giuletta, actor
- Mason, James, actor
- Mason, Marsha, actor
- Masterson, Mary Stuart, actor, writer, director
- Mastrantonio, Mary Elizabeth, actor
- Mastroianni, Marcello, actor
- Mathers, Jerry, actor
- Matteo, Drea de, actor
- Matthau, Walter, actor
- Mature, Victor, actor
- McAdams, Rachel, actor
- McCallum, David, actor
- McCarthy, Jenny, actor
- McConaughey, Matthew, actor
- McCormack, Catherine, actor
- McCrea, Joel, actor
- McDermott, Dylan, actor, theatrical director
- McFadden, Gates, actor
- McGillis, Kelly, actor
- McGovern, Elizabeth, actor
- McGregor, Ewan, actor
- McGuire, Dorothy, actor
- McKellar, Danica, actor
- McKellen, Ian, actor
- McKern, Leo, actor
- McNichol, Kristy, actor
- McQueen, Butterfly, actor
- McQueen, Steve, actor
- McTeer, Janet, actor
- Meaney, Colm, actor
- Mendes, Eva, actor
- Meredith, Burgess, actor, director
- Merman, Ethel, actor, singer
- Mifune, Toshiro, actor
- Milano, Alyssa, actor
- Milland, Ray, actor, director
- Miller, Penelope Ann, actor
- Miller, Wentworth, actor
- Mills, Hayley, actor
- Mills, Juliet, actor
- Minnelli, Liza, actor
- Miranda, Carmen, actor
- Miranda, Lin-Manuel, actor
- Mirren, Helen, actor
- Mitchum, Robert, actor
- Mix, Tom, actor
- Mixon, Alan, actor
- Modine, Matthew, actor
- Modjeska, Helena, actor
- Monaco, Kelly, actor, dancer
- Monroe, Marilyn, actor
- Montalban, Paolo, actor
- Montalban, Ricardo, actor
- Montand, Yves, actor, singer
- Moore, Clayton, actor
- Moore, Demi, actor
- Moore, Dudley, actor, comedian, composer
- Moore, Julianne, actor
- Moore, Mary Tyler, actor
- Moore, Roger, actor
- Moorehead, Agnes, actor
- Moranis, Rick, actor
- Moreau, Jeanne, actor
- Moreno, Rita, actor, dancer, singer
- Morgan, Harry, actor
- Morgan, Tracy, actor, comedian
- Moriarty, Michael, actor
- Morita, Pat, actor
- Morley, Robert, actor, writer
- Mornay, Rebecca De, actor
- Morrow, Vic, actor, director, writer, producer
- Mortensen, Viggo, actor, artist
- Morton, Samantha, actor
- Moss, Carrie-Anne, actor
- Mostel, Zero, actor
- Muldoon, Patrick, actor, model
- Mulgrew, Kate, actor
- Mulhare, Edward, actor
- Mulroney, Dermot, actor, musician, producer
- Muni, Paul, actor
- Muniz, Frankie, actor
- Murphy, Audie, actor, country songwriter
- Murphy, Brittany, actor
- Murphy, Cillian, actor
- Murphy, Eddie, actor, comedian
- Murray, Bill, actor, comedian
- Murray, Chad Michael, actor
- Myers, Mike, actor, comedian
- Nance, Jack, actor
- Nazimova, Alla, actor
- Neeson, Liam, actor
- Negri, Pola, actor
- Neill, Sam, actor
- Nelson, David, actor, director
- Nelson, Judd, actor
- Nelson, Ozzie, actor, orchestra leader, producer, director
- Nelson, Ricky, actor, singer
- Newman, Paul, actor
- Newton, Thandie, actor
- Nichols, Mike, actor and director
- Nicholson, Jack, actor
- Nielsen, Leslie, actor
- Nimoy, Leonard, actor, filmmaker
- Niro, Robert De, actor
- Niven, David, actor, writer
- Nixon, Cynthia, actor
- Nolan, Lloyd, actor
- Nolin, Gena Lee, actor
- Nolte, Nick, actor
- Norris, Chuck, actor, athlete
- Norton, Edward, actor
- Novak, Kim, actor
- Oberon, Merle, actor
- O'Connor, Carroll, actor
- O'Donnell, Chris, actor
- O'Donnell, Rosie, actor, comedian
- Oh, Sandra, actor
- O'Hara, Catherine, actor, writer
- O'Hara, Maureen, actor
- Oldfield, Anne, actor
- Oldman, Gary, actor
- Oleynik, Larisa, actor
- Olin, Lena, actor
- Oliver, Susan, actor
- Olivier, Laurence Kerr, Baron Olivier of Brighton, actor
- Olmos, Edward James, actor, producer
- O'Neal, Ryan, actor
- O'Neal, Tatum, actor
- Ontkean, Michael, actor
- Orbach, Jerry, actor
- Ormond, Julia, actor
- O'Toole, Peter (Seamus), actor and director
- Owen, Clive, actor
- Oy, Jenna von, actor
- Pacino, Al, actor
- Page, Geraldine, actor
- Palance, Jack, actor
- Palminteri, Chazz, actor, writer
- Paltrow, Gwyneth, actor
- Papas, Irene, actor
- Parillaud, Anne, actor
- Parker, Nate, actor
- Parker, Mary-Louise, actor
- Parker, Sarah Jessica, actor
- Patinkin, Mandy, actor, musician
- Patric, Jason, actor, producer
- Pattinson, Robert, actor
- Paul, Adrian, actor
- Paul, Alexandra, actor
- Paxton, Bill, actor
- Peck, Gregory, actor
- Peete, Holly Robinson, actor
- Penn, Robin Wright, actor
- Penn, Sean, actor, filmmaker
- Peppard, George, actor, producer
- Perón, Eva, actor, political figure
- Perez, Rosie, actor, dancer, choreographer
- Perez, Vincent, actor
- Perkins, Anthony, actor
- Perkins, Elizabeth, actor
- Perlman, Rhea, actor
- Perlman, Ron, actor
- Perry, Antoinette, actor
- Perry, Luke, actor
- Perry, Matthew, actor
- Pesci, Joe, actor
- Peters, Bernadette, actor
- Petersen, William, actor
- Petrie, George O., actor
- Petty, Lori, actor
- Pfeiffer, Michelle, actor
- Phelps, Samuel, actor-manager
- Phillippe, Ryan, actor
- Phillips, Lou Diamond, actor
- Phillips, Miriam, actor
- Phoenix, Joaquin, actor
- Phoenix, River, actor
- Pickens, Slim, actor, cowboy
- Pickford, Mary, actor
- Pierce, David Hyde, actor
- Pileggi, Mitch, actor
- Pitoëff, Georges, actor-manager
- Pitt, Brad, actor
- Pitts, ZaSu, actor
- Playfair, Sir Nigel, actor-manager
- Plimpton, Martha, actor
- Plowright, Joan, actor
- Plummer, Amanda, actor
- Plummer, Christopher, actor
- Poésy, Clémence, actor
- Poitier, Sidney, actor
- Porter, Don, actor
- Portman, Natalie, actor
- Posey, Parker, actor
- Potts, Annie, actor
- Powell, William, actor
- Power, Tyrone, actor
- Pressly, Jaime, actor
- Preston, Kelly, actor
- Price, Vincent, actor
- Priestley, Jason, actor
- Prinze, Freddie, actor, comedian
- Prinze, Freddie, Jr., actor
- Prowse, David, actor
- Pryce, Jonathan, actor
- Pryor, Richard, actor, comedian, writer
- Pullman, Bill, actor, producer
- Pyle, Denver, actor
- Quaid, Dennis, actor
- Quaid, Randy, actor
- Quin, James, actor
- Quinlan, Kathleen, actor
- Quinn, Aidan, actor
- Quinn, Anthony, actor
- Rabal, Francisco, actor
- Rachel, actor
- Radcliffe, Daniel, actor
- Rai, Aishwarya, actor
- Rains, Claude, actor
- Randall, Tony, actor
- Rapaport, Michael, actor
- Rathbone, Basil, actor
- Raven-Symoné, actor, singer
- Rea, Stephen, actor
- Redford, Robert, actor, filmmaker
- Redgrave, family of actors
- Redgrave, Lynn, actor
- Redgrave, Sir Michael, actor
- Redgrave, Vanessa, actor
- Reeve, Christopher, actor
- Reeves, George, actor
- Reeves, Keanu, actor
- Rehan, Ada, actor
- Reid, Tara, actor
- Reilly, Charles Nelson, actor, theater director
- Reilly, John C., actor
- Reiner, Carl, actor, writer, director
- Reiner, Rob, actor, writer, director, producer
- Reinhold, Judge, actor
- Reiser, Paul, actor, comedian, writer
- Remick, Lee, actor
- Renfro, Brad, actor
- Reuben, Gloria, actor
- Reubens, Paul, actor, comedian
- Reynolds, Burt, actor
- Reynolds, Marjorie, actor
- Rhames, Ving, actor
- Rhys, Matthew, actor
- Rhys-Meyers, Jonathan, actor
- Ricci, Christina, actor
- Rich, John, actor-manager
- Richards, Ariana, actor
- Richards, Michael, actor
- Richardson, Joely, actor
- Richardson, Miranda, actor
- Richardson, Natasha, actor
- Richardson, Sir Ralph, actor
- Rickman, Alan, actor
- Rigg, Diana, actor
- Ringwald, Molly, actor
- Rio, Dolores Del, actor
- Ritter, John, actor
- Robards, Jason, actor
- Robb, AnnaSophia, actor
- Robbie, Margot, actor
- Robbins, Tim, actor, filmmaker
- Roberts, Doris, actor
- Roberts, Eric, actor
- Roberts, Julia, actor
- Robertson, Cliff, actor
- Robinson, Edward G., actor
- Rocket, Charles, actor
- Roddy McDowall, actor
- Rogers, Ginger, actor, dancer
- Rogers, Mimi, actor
- Rogers, Roy, actor, country singer
- Rogers, Will, actor, humorist
- Rollins, Howard E., Jr., actor
- Rooney, Mickey, actor
- Roscius, Quintus, actor
- Rose, Ruby, actor
- Roseanne, actor
- Ross, Katharine, actor
- Rossellini, Isabella, actor, model
- Rossum, Emmy, actor
- Roth, Tim, actor
- Rourke, Mickey, actor
- Rowlands, Gena, actor
- Rudd, Paul, actor
- Ruehl, Mercedes, actor
- Ruffalo, Mark, actor
- Rush, Geoffrey, actor
- Russell, Jane, actor
- Russell, Keri, actor
- Russell, Kurt, actor
- Russell, Lillian, singer and actor
- Russell, Theresa, actor
- Russo, Rene, actor
- Rutherford, Dame Margaret, actor
- Ryan, Irene, actor
- Ryan, Jeri, actor
- Ryan, Meg, actor
- Ryder, Winona, actor
- Rylance, Mark, actor
- Saint, Eva Marie, actor
- Salle, Eriq La, actor, director
- Salmi, Albert, actor
- Sandler, Adam, actor
- Sands, Julian, actor
- Sara, Mia, actor
- Sarandon, Susan, actor
- Savage, Fred, actor
- Savage, John, actor
- Savalas, Telly, actor
- Scacchi, Greta, actor
- Scheider, Roy, actor
- Schell, Maximilian, actor, director, producer, screenwriter
- Schildkraut, Rudolph, actor
- Schröder, Friedrich Ludwig, actor
- Schreck, Max, actor
- Schreiber, Liev, actor
- Schwarzenegger, Arnold Alois, actor, bodybuilder, and politician
- Schwimmer, David, actor
- Scofield, Paul, actor,
- Scorsese, Catherine, actor
- Scott, George C., actor
- Seagal, Steven, actor, stunt choreographer, producer
- Segel, Jason, actor, stunt choreographer, producer
- Sedgwick, Kyra, actor
- Seear, Noot, actor, model
- Selleck, Tom, actor
- Sellers, Peter, actor
- Sevigny, Chlöe, actor
- Sewell, Rufus, actor
- Seymour, Jane, actor
- Shalhoub, Tony, actor
- Sharif, Omar, actor
- Shatner, William, actor, writer
- Shaver, Helen, actor
- Shearer, Norma, actor
- Sheedy, Ally, actor, writer
- Sheen, Charlie, actor
- Sheen, Martin, actor
- Shepherd, Cybill, actor, producer
- Shields, Brooke, actor, model
- Shire, Talia, actor, producer
- Short, Martin, actor, comedian
- Show, Grant, actor
- Shue, Andrew, actor; soccer player
- Shue, Elisabeth, actor
- Siddons, Sarah Kemble, actor
- Signoret, Simone, actor
- Silver, Ron, actor
- Silverheels, Jay, actor
- Silvers, Phil, actor
- Silverstone, Alicia, actor
- Sinbad, actor, comedian, producer
- Sinise, Gary, actor; director
- Sirtis, Marina, actor
- Skerritt, Tom, actor
- Skinner, Otis, actor
- Slater, Christian, actor
- Smith, Dame Maggie, actor
- Smith, Jada Pinkett, actor, video director, clothing designer
- Smith, Will, actor; musician
- Smits, Jimmy, actor
- Snipes, Wesley, actor
- Sobieski, Leelee, actor
- Somers, Brett, actor
- Somers, Suzanne, actor
- Sorbo, Kevin, actor
- Sorvino, Mira, actor
- Spacek, Sissy, actor
- Spacey, Kevin, actor
- Spade, David, actor; comedian
- Spader, James, actor
- Spears, James Lynn, actor
- Spelling, Tori, actor
- Spiner, Brent, actor
- Sprouse, Dylan and Cole, actors
- Stallone, Sylvester, actor
- Stanley, Kim, actor
- Stanwyck, Barbara, actor
- Stapleton, Maureen, actor
- Staunton, Imelda, actor
- Steenburgen, Mary, actor
- Steiger, Rod, actor
- Stern, Daniel, actor, director, producer
- Stevenson, McLean, actor
- Stewart, Jimmy, actor
- Stewart, Patrick, actor
- Stiles, Julia, actor
- Stiller, Ben, actor, director, comic
- Stockwell, Dean, actor
- Stoltz, Eric, actor
- Stone, Sharon, actor
- Strathairn, David, actor
- Streep, Meryl, actor
- Streisand, Barbra, singer and actor
- Stringfield, Sherry, actor
- Stuart, Gloria, actor
- Stubbs, Imogen, actor
- Studi, Wes, actor
- Sumpter, Jeremy, actor
- Sutherland, Donald, actor
- Sutherland, Kiefer, actor
- Suvari, Mena, actor
- Swank, Hilary, actor
- Swanson, Gloria, actor
- Swayze, Patrick, actor
- Swinton, Tilda, actor
- Swit, Loretta, actor
- Sydow, Max Von, actor
- Takei, George, actor
- Talma, François Joseph, actor
- Tambor, Jeffrey, actor
- Tandy, Jessica, actor
- Tarlton, Richard, actor and clown
- Tate, Sharon, actor
- Tautou, Audrey, actor
- Taylor, Elizabeth, actor
- Taylor, Lili, actor
- Tennant, David, actor
- Tennant, Victoria, actor, screenwriter
- Tennant, Victoria, actor, screenwriter
- Terry, Dame Ellen Alicia, actor
- Theron, Charlize, actor
- Thiessen, Tiffani, actor
- Thomas, Danny, actor
- Thomas, Jonathan Taylor, actor
- Thomas, Kristin Scott, actor
- Thomas, Marlo, actor
- Thompson, Andrea, actor, tv newscaster
- Thompson, Emma, actor, screenwriter
- Thompson, Lea, actor
- Thorndike, Dame Sybil, actor
- Thorne-Smith, Courtney, actor
- Thornton, Billy Bob, actor, filmmaker
- Thurman, Uma, actor
- Tilly, Jennifer, actor, poker player
- Tilly, Meg, actor
- Tisdale, Ashley, actor
- Tomei, Marisa, actor
- Tomita, Tamlyn, actor
- Torn, Rip, actor
- Toro, Benicio Del, actor
- Torres, Gina, actor
- Tracy, Spencer, actor
- Travanti, Daniel J., actor
- Travolta, John, actor
- Tree, Sir Herbert Beerbohm, actor-manager
- Trintignant, Marie, actor
- Troisi, Massimo, actor; director; writer
- Turner, Kathleen, actor
- Turner, Lana, actor
- Turturro, John, actor
- Tweed, Shannon, actor
- Twins, The Olsen, actors, twins
- Tyler, Liv, actor
- Tyson, Cicely, actor
- Ullman, Tracey, actor
- Ullmann, Liv, actor
- Ulrich, Skeet, actor
- Union, Gabrielle, actor
- Vakhtangov, Yevgeni, actor
- Valentino, Rudolph, actor
- Vance, Danitra, actor
- Vardalos, Nia, actor, writer
- Vaughn, Vince, actor
- Veidt, Conrad, actor
- Vereen, Ben, actor, dancer
- Vestris, Lucia Elizabeth (Bartolozzi), actor and manager
- Vigoda, Abe, actor
- Visitor, Nana, actor
- Voight, Jon, actor, director, writer
- Wagner, Robert, actor
- Wahlberg, Mark, actor; musician; model
- Walken, Christopher, actor
- Walker, Paul, actor
- Wallach, Eli, actor
- Wallack, James William, actor and manager
- Walsh, J. T., actor
- Walsh, M. Emmet, actor
- Walston, Ray, actor
- Walters, Julie, actor
- Wanamaker, Sam, actor, director
- Ward, Fred, actor
- Ward, Rachel, actor
- Washington, Denzel, actor
- Waterston, Sam, actor
- Watson, Emily, actor
- Watson, Emma, actor
- Watts, Naomi, actor
- Wayans, Damon, actor, comedian, writer, producer
- Wayans, Keenan Ivory, actor, comedian, writer, director
- Wayne, John, actor
- Weathers, Carl, actor, former professional football player
- Weaver, Sigourney, actor
- Webster, Margaret, actor
- Weisz, Rachel, actor
- Welch, Raquel, actor
- Welles, Orson, actor, filmmaker
- West, Mae, actor, writer
- West, Shane, actor
- Wheaton, Wil, actor, writer, internet celebrity
- Whitaker, Forest, actor, filmmaker
- Whitty, Dame May, actor
- Wiest, Dianne, actor
- Wild, Jack, actor
- Wilder, Gene, actor, filmmaker
- Wilkinson, Tom, actor
- Williams, Barry, actor
- Williams, Maisie, actor
- Williams, Michelle, actor
- Williams, Robin, actor, comedian
- Williams, Treat, actor
- Williams, Vanessa, actor, singer
- Willis, Bruce, actor
- Wilson-Sampras, Bridgette, actor
- Wilson, Dooley, actor, musician
- Wilson, Luke, actor
- Wilson, Owen, actor, screenwriter
- Winfield, Paul, actor
- Winger, Debra, actor
- Winningham, Mare, actor, singer
- Winslet, Kate, actor
- Winters, Shelley, actor
- Witherspoon, Reese, actor
- Witt, Alicia, actor
- Woffington, Peg, actor
- Wolf, Scott, actor
- Wood, Elijah, actor
- Wood, Natalie, actor
- Woodard, Alfre, actor
- Woods, James, actor
- Woodward, Joanne, actor
- Wright, Robin, actor
- Wyle, Noah, actor
- Wyman, Jane, actor, producer
- Wynn, Keenan, actor
- Yeoh, Michelle, actor
- Yelchin, Anton, actor
- York, Michael, actor
- York, Susannah, actor
- Young, Alan, actor
- Young, Gig, actor
- Young, Loretta, actor
- Young, Robert, actor
- Yun-Fat, Chow, actor
- Zane, Billy, actor
- Zellweger, Renee, actor
- Zeta-Jones, Catherine, actor
- Ziyi, Zhang, actor
- Zmed, Adrian, actor
- Zuniga, Daphne, actor