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Brewer's: Constable

(Latin, comes-stabuli) means “Master of the Horse.” The constable of England and France was at one time a military officer of state, next in rank to the crown. To overrun or outrun the…

Philip V, king of Spain

(Encyclopedia) Philip V, 1683–1746, king of Spain (1700–1746), first Bourbon on the Spanish throne. A grandson of Louis XIV of France, he was titular duke of Anjou before Charles II of Spain…

Rulers of France since 987 (table)

(Encyclopedia) Rulers of France since 987(including dates of reign) The Capetians Hugh Capet, 987–96 Robert II (the Pious), son of Hugh Capet, 996–1031 Henry I, son of Robert II, 1031–60…

Amy Lowell: Paris, April, 1814

Paris, April, 1814Cold, impassive, the marble arch of the Place du Carrousel. Haughty, contemptuous, the marble arch of the Place du Carrousel. Like a woman raped by force, rising above her…


(Encyclopedia) PérigordPérigordpārēgôrˈ [key], region of SW France, now included in Dordogne and parts of Lot-et-Garonne depts. Périgueux (the capital) and Bergerac are the chief cities. The region…

Swiss Guards

(Encyclopedia) Swiss Guards, Swiss mercenaries who fought in various European armies from the 15th cent. until the 19th cent. These mercenaries, who were not volunteers, were put at the disposal of…

Amy Lowell: Paris, March, 1814

Paris, March, 1814Fine yellow sunlight down the rue du Mont Thabor. Ten o'clock striking from all the clock-towers of Paris. Over the door of a shop, in gilt letters: "Martin — Parfumeur",…

James Madison HUGHES, Congress, MO (1809-1861)

HUGHES James Madison , a Representative from Missouri; born in Bourbon County, Ky., April 7, 1809; received a liberal schooling; studied law; was admitted to the bar and practiced in Liberty,…

William BROWN, Congress, KY (1779-1833)

BROWN William , a Representative from Kentucky; born in Frederick County, Va., April 19, 1779; attended the common schools; moved with his father to Bourbon County, Ky., in 1784 and to Cynthiana,…

John William MENZIES, Congress, KY (1819-1897)

MENZIES John William , a Representative from Kentucky; born in Bryants Station, Bourbon County, Ky., April 12, 1819; attended the common schools and was graduated from the University of Virginia…