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Kentucky State Information Official Name: The Commonwealth of Kentucky Capital: Frankfort Organized as a territory: January 1, 1777 Entered Union: June 1, 1792 (15th State) Present constitution…

William Emmett SIMMS, Congress, KY (1822-1898)

SIMMS William Emmett , a Representative from Kentucky; born near Cynthiana, Harrison County, Ky., January 2, 1822; attended the public schools, and was graduated from the law department of…

William Edward BARTON, Congress, MO (1868-1955)

BARTON William Edward , a Representative from Missouri; born in Pickens District (now County), S.C., April 11, 1868; in 1869 moved to Missouri with his parents, who settled in Crawford County,…

Brutus Junius CLAY, Congress, KY (1808-1878)

CLAY Brutus Junius , a Representative from Kentucky; born in Richmond, Madison County, Ky., July 1, 1808; attended the common schools and was graduated from Centre College, Danville, Ky.;…

Fleury, André Hercule de

(Encyclopedia) Fleury, André Hercule deFleury, André Hercule deäNdrāˈ ĕrkülˈ də flörēˈ [key], 1653–1743, French statesman, cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church. Tutor of the young Louis XV, he…

Peter the Cruel

(Encyclopedia) Peter the Cruel, 1334–69, Spanish king of Castile and León (1350–69), son and successor of Alfonso XI. His desertion of his wife, Blanche of Bourbon, for María Padilla and his favors…

Périer, Casimir Pierre

(Encyclopedia) Périer, Casimir PierrePérier, Casimir Pierrekäzēmērˈ pyĕr pĕryāˈ [key], 1777–1832, French statesman. He was a member of a wealthy bourgeois family. His father, Claude Périer, a…

Garrett DAVIS, Congress, KY (1801-1872)

Senate Years of Service: 1861-1865; 1865-1872 Party: Unionist; Democrat DAVIS Garrett , a Representative and a Senator from Kentucky; born in Mount Sterling, Ky., September 10, 1801; completed…

East India Company, French

(Encyclopedia) East India Company, French, 1664–1769, commercial enterprise planned by Jean Baptiste Colbert and chartered by King Louis XIV for the purpose of trading in the Eastern Hemisphere. It…

Valois, royal house of France

(Encyclopedia) ValoisValoisvälwäˈ [key], royal house of France that ruled from 1328 to 1589. At the death of Charles IV, the last of the direct Capetians, the Valois dynasty came to the throne in the…