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Displaying 221 - 228

Percy Bysshe Shelley: Notes on Queen Mab

by Percy Bysshe Shelley 9NOTE ON QUEEN MAB, BY MRS. SHELLEYNotes on Queen Mab Shelley's Notes 1. 242, 243:- The sun's unclouded orb Rolled through the black concave. Beyond our…

French literature

(Encyclopedia) French literature, writings in medieval French dialects and standard modern French. Writings in Provençal and Breton are considered separately, as are works in French produced abroad (…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 CE5 Spain, Span. EspañaSpain,āspäˈnyä [key], officially Kingdom of Spain, constitutional monarchy (2015 est. pop. 46,398,000), 194,884 sq mi (504,750 sq km), including the…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 FranceFrancefrăns, Fr. fräNs [key], officially French Republic, republic (2015 est. pop. 64,457,000), 211,207 sq mi (547,026 sq km), W Europe. France is bordered by the English…