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Henry IV, king of France

(Encyclopedia) Henry IV, 1553–1610, king of France (1589–1610) and, as Henry III, of Navarre (1572–1610), son of Antoine de Bourbon and Jeanne d'Albret; first of the Bourbon kings of France.…

Brewer's: Lewis Baboon

Louis XIV. of France is so called in Arbuthnot's History of John Bull. Of course, there is a play upon the word Bourbon. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer,…

Brewer's: Cadogan

(Ca-dug'-an). A club of hair worn by young French ladies; so called from the portrait of the first Earl of Cadogan, a print at one time very popular in France. The fashion was introduced…

Brewer's: Monsieur

Philippe, Due d'Orléans, brother to Louis XIV., was called Monsicur; other gentlemen were only Monsieur This or That. (1674-1723.) Monsieur le Coadjuteur. Paul de Gondi, afterwards…

Brewer's: Montjoie

St. Denis The war-cry of the French. Montjoie is a corruption of Mons Jovis, as the little mounds were called which served as direction-posts in ancient times; hence it was applied to…

Brewer's: Quadruple Alliance of 1674

Germany, Spain, Denmark, and Holland formed an alliance against France to resist the encroachments of Louis XIV., who had declared war against Holland. It terminated with the treaty of…

Brewer's: Toralva

The licentiate who was conveyed on a cane through the air, with his eyes shut. In the space of twelve hours he arrived at Rome, and lighted on the tower of Nona, whence, looking down, he…

Brewer's: Madame

So the wife of Phillipe, Duc d'Orléans was styled in the reign of Louis XIV.; other ladies were only Madame This or That. Madame la Duchessc. Wife of Henri-Jules de Bourbon, eldest son of…

Brewer's: Gombo

Pigeon French, or French as it is spoken by the coloured population of Louisiana, the French West Indies, Bourbon, and Mauritius. (Connected with jumbo.) “Creole is almost pure French, not…