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Brewer's: Bouquet

French for nosegay. “Mr. Disraeli was able to make a financial statement burst into a bouquet of flowers.” —McCarthy: Our Own Times, vol. iii. chap. xxx. p. 11. The bouquet of wine, also…

Brewer's: Bourgeois

(French), our burgess. The class between the “gentleman” and the peasantry. It includes all merchants, shopkeepers, and what we call the “middle class.” Source: Dictionary of Phrase and…

Brewer's: Constantine Tolman

(Cornwall). A vast egg-like stone, thirty-three feet in length, eighteen in width, and fourteen in thickness, placed on the points of two natural rocks, so that a man may creep under it.…

Brewer's: Yellow-boy

(A). A gold sovereign. “John did not starve the cause: there wanted not yellow-boys to fee counsel.” —Arbuthnot: John Bull. Yellow-boy (A). A bankrupt. The French call a bankrupt…

Alfonso XIII, king of Spain

(Encyclopedia) Alfonso XIII, 1886–1941, king of Spain (1886–1931), posthumous son and successor of Alfonso XII. His mother, Maria Christina (1858–1929), was regent until 1902. In 1906, Alfonso…

Prado, Museo Nacional del

(Encyclopedia) Prado, Museo Nacional delPrado, Museo Nacional delpräˈdō, Span. präˈᵺō [key], Spanish national museum of painting and sculpture, in Madrid, one of the finest in Europe. Situated on the…

Parma, city, Italy

(Encyclopedia) ParmaParmapärˈmä [key], city (1991 pop. 170,520), capital of Parma prov., in Emilia-Romagna, N Italy, on the Parma River and on the Aemilian Way. It is a rich agricultural market, a…

Condé, Louis II de Bourbon, prince de

(Encyclopedia) Condé, Louis II de Bourbon, prince de, 1621–86, French general, called the Great Condé; son of Henri II de Condé. Among his early victories in the Thirty Years War were those of Rocroi…


(Encyclopedia) AlbretAlbretälbrāˈ [key], former duchy, SW France, in the Landes of Gascony. The powerful lords of Albret became kings of Navarre by the marriage (1484) of Jean d'Albret with Catherine…

Cánovas del Castillo, Antonio

(Encyclopedia) Cánovas del Castillo, AntonioCánovas del Castillo, Antonioäntôˈnyō käˈnōväs dĕl kästēˈlyō [key], 1828–97, Spanish conservative politician, historian, and man of letters. During Spain's…