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Eastern Question

(Encyclopedia) Eastern Question, term designating the problem of European territory controlled by the decaying Ottoman Empire in the 18th, 19th, and early 20th cent. The Turkish threat to Europe was…

Questions of Execution

While public support for capital punishment has dropped from a high of 80% in 1994, a Gallup Poll in Feb. 2000 found that the majority of Americans (66%) continue to support it. Almost half…

Millennial Questions

When does the next millennium officially begin? Although January 1, 2000, has a millennial ring to it, the new age actually begins on a less resounding date: January 1, 2001. Common…

What's the Question?

By Pearson Education Development Group Have you ever searched through information to find an answer to a question? Most likely you have. So, you're already familiar with doing…

Deadly Questions

Study raises questions about capital punishment in the U.S. by David Johnson This article was posted on June 22, 2000. Illinois Governor George Ryan recently announced a…

Brewer's: Question

To move the previous question No one seems able to give any clear and satisfactory explanation of this phrase. Erskine May, in his Parliamentary Practice, p. 303 (9th edition), says: “It…

Frequently Asked Questions

The editors at Infoplease have compiled this page of frequently asked questions to help you better understand how to use our site. Content What will I find on the Infoplease site? What sources…

Brewer's: Beg the Question

(To). (See Begging .) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894BeggarBefore the Mast A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z…