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Cosa, Juan de la

(Encyclopedia) Cosa, Juan de laCosa, Juan de lahwän dā lä kōˈsä [key], c.1460–1510, Spanish navigator. He sailed with Columbus in 1492 (as pilot of the flagship Santa María) and again in 1498. After…

Frederick VII, king of Denmark

(Encyclopedia) Frederick VII, 1808–63, king of Denmark, duke of Schleswig, Holstein, and Lauenburg (1848–63), son and successor of Christian VIII. He accepted a liberal constitution in 1849 that…

Thomasius, Christian

(Encyclopedia) Thomasius, ChristianThomasius, Christiankrĭsˈtyän tōmäˈzy&oobreve;s [key], 1655–1728, German jurist and philosopher. A lawyer, he lectured on natural law at Leipzig; he broke with…

Symington, William Stuart

(Encyclopedia) Symington, William Stuart, 1901–88, U.S. senator (1953–76), b. Amherst, Mass. He interrupted a successful business career in 1941 to accept a War Department assignment involving a…

Milligan, ex parte

(Encyclopedia) Milligan, ex parte, case decided by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1866. By authorization of Congress, President Lincoln in 1863 suspended the writ of habeas corpus in cases where military…

Nelson, Leonard

(Encyclopedia) Nelson, Leonard, 1882–1927, German philosopher. On the faculty of the Univ. of Göttingen from 1909, he was interested in the use of critical method to establish a scientific foundation…

McLean, John

(Encyclopedia) McLean, JohnMcLean, Johnməklānˈ [key], 1785–1861, American political figure and jurist, b. Morris co., N.J. His family moved to Ohio, where he studied law, was admitted (1807) to the…


(Encyclopedia) dialecticdialecticdīəlĕkˈtĭk [key] [Gr.,= art of conversation], in philosophy, term originally applied to the method of philosophizing by means of question and answer employed by…

Sforza, Carlo, Conte

(Encyclopedia) Sforza, Carlo, ConteSforza, Carlo, Contekärˈlō kōnˈtā [key]Sforza, Carlo, Conte sfôrˈtsä [key], 1872–1952, Italian foreign minister. He held high ministerial and diplomatic posts,…

Plunkett, Sir Horace Curzon

(Encyclopedia) Plunkett, Sir Horace Curzon, 1854–1932, Irish statesman and agricultural reformer. Educated in England, Plunkett spent 10 years (1879–89) in Wyoming as a cattle rancher. Returning to…