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Homework Helper: Ask a Question

Ask A Question Our Homework Helpers can assist you with your K-12 homework questions! What to expect Because of the number of questions we receive, we can only respond to…

Homework Center: Questions & Answers

Homework Center Questions & Answers Subjects » Geography » History » Language Arts » Mathematics » Science » Social StudiesSkillsWriting | ResearchSpeaking &…

Frequently Asked Questions: Animals

// Cite /**/ Frequently Asked Questions Animals Where can I find out all about an animal or insect (e.g. polar bear, dragonfly, kangaroo, blue whale)? What do you call a group of…

Prasna-Upanishad: First Question

First QuestionAdoration to the Highest Self! Harih, Om!1. Sukesas Bharadvâga, and Saivya Satyakama, and Sauryayanin Gargya, and Kausalya Asvalayana, and Bhargava Vaidarbhi, and Kabandhin…

Prasna-Upanishad: Second Question

Second Question1. Then Bhargava Vaidarbhi asked him: “Sir, How many gods keep what has thus been created, how many manifest this, and who is the best of them?”2. He replied: “The ether is…

Prasna-Upanishad: Third Question

Third Question1. Then Kausalya Asvaiayana asked: “Sir, whence is that Prâna (spirit) born? How does it come into this body? And how does it abide, after it has divided itself? How does it go…

Prasna-Upanishad: Fourth Question

Fourth Question1. Then Sauryayanin Gargya asked: “Sir, What are they that sleep in this man, and what are they that are awake in him? What power (deva) is it that sees dreams? Whose is the…

Prasna-Upanishad: Fifth Question

Fifth Question1. Then Saivya Satyakama asked him: “Sir, if some one among men should meditate here until death on the syllable Om, what would he obtain by it?”2. He replied: “O Satyakama, the…

Prasna-Upanishad: Sixth Question

Sixth Question1. Then Sukesas Bharadvâga asked him, saying: “Sir, Hiranyanabha, the prince of Kosala, came to me and asked this question: Do you know the person of sixteen parts, O Bharadvâga…

A Boy's Will: Love and a Question

by Robert Frost My November GuestA Late WalkLove and a Question He is in doubt whether to admit real trouble to a place beside the hearth with love. A STRANGER came to the door at eve…