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Brewer's: Leading Question

A question so worded as to suggest an answer. “Was he dressed in a black coat?” leads to the answer “Yes.” In cross-examining a witness, leading questions are permitted, because the chief…

Brewer's: Questions and Commands

A Christmas game, in which the commander bids his subjects to answer a question which is asked. If the subject refuses, or fails to satisfy the commander, he must pay a forfeit or have his…

Brewer's: Previous Question

(See Question.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894PriamPrevent A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Related…

Brewer's: Open Question

(An). A statement, proposal, doctrine, or supposed fact, respecting which each individual is allowed to entertain his own private opinion. In the House of Commons every members may vote as…

College Essay Questions

  Significant Experience | Important Issue | Influential Person | Future Goals Significant Experience Evaluate a significant experience, achievement, or risk…

Irish Land Question

(Encyclopedia) Irish Land Question, name given in the 19th cent. to the problem of land ownership and agrarian distress in Ireland under British rule. The long-term result of conquest, confiscation,…


(Encyclopedia) anagram [Gr.,=something read backward], rearrangement of the letters of a word or words to make another word or other words. A famous Latin anagram was an answer made out of a question…

Prasna-Upanishad: First Question

First QuestionAdoration to the Highest Self! Harih, Om!1. Sukesas Bharadvâga, and Saivya Satyakama, and Sauryayanin Gargya, and Kausalya Asvalayana, and Bhargava Vaidarbhi, and Kabandhin…

Prasna-Upanishad: Second Question

Second Question1. Then Bhargava Vaidarbhi asked him: “Sir, How many gods keep what has thus been created, how many manifest this, and who is the best of them?”2. He replied: “The ether is…

Prasna-Upanishad: Third Question

Third Question1. Then Kausalya Asvaiayana asked: “Sir, whence is that Prâna (spirit) born? How does it come into this body? And how does it abide, after it has divided itself? How does it go…