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(Encyclopedia) plebisciteplebisciteplĕbˈĭsīt [key] [Lat.,=popular decree], vote of the people on a question submitted to them, as in a referendum. The term, however, has acquired the more specific…


(Encyclopedia) Paul, 1901–64, king of the Hellenes (1947–64), brother and successor of George II. He married (1938) Princess Frederika of Brunswick. During Paul's reign Greece followed a pro-Western…

English, William Hayden

(Encyclopedia) English, William Hayden, 1822–96, U.S. Congressman (1853–61), b. Scott co., Ind. A lawyer, he entered politics and served in the House of Representatives (1853–1861). In 1858, when the…

Head, Bessie

(Encyclopedia) Head, Bessie, 1937–86, South African writer. Born in South Africa to a white mother and black father, she was placed in foster homes and orphanages as a child. After 1964, she lived in…


(Encyclopedia) Gallio (Junius Annaeus Gallio)Galliogălˈēō [key], d. a.d. 65?, Roman proconsul in Achaea; brother of the philosopher Seneca. His name was originally Lucius Annaeus Novatus. The “Gallio…


(Encyclopedia) catechismcatechismkătˈəkĭzəm [key] [Gr.,=oral instruction], originally oral instruction in religion, later written instruction. Catechisms are usually written in the form of questions…


(Encyclopedia) EweEweāˈvā, –wā [key], African people, numbering over 3 million, who live in SE Ghana, S Togo, and S Benin. When German Togoland was partitioned after World War I, the Ewe in that…

McCutcheon, John Tinney

(Encyclopedia) McCutcheon, John TinneyMcCutcheon, John Tinneyməkŭchˈən [key], 1870–1949, American cartoonist, b. Tippecanoe co., Ind. He had been associated with the Chicago Record and Record-Herald…

Robsart, Amy

(Encyclopedia) Robsart, AmyRobsart, Amyrŏbˈsärt [key], 1532–60, maiden name of the wife of Robert Dudley, later earl of Leicester, a favorite of Queen Elizabeth I of England. When Lady Dudley was…