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Half-Way Covenant

(Encyclopedia) Half-Way Covenant, a doctrinal decision of the Congregational churches in New England. The first generation of Congregationalists had decided that only adults with personal experience…

Lucius III

(Encyclopedia) Lucius III, d. 1185, pope (1181–85), a native of Lucca named Ubaldo Allucingoli; successor of Alexander III. He was a Cistercian with St. Bernard and was created a cardinal in 1141 by…

Milic of Kremsier

(Encyclopedia) Milic of KremsierMilic of Kremsiermēˈlēch, krāmˈzēr [key], d. 1374, Bohemian reformer. He was a Roman Catholic priest. In 1363 he began a career of preaching in Moravia as well as in…

Jevons, William Stanley

(Encyclopedia) Jevons, William StanleyJevons, William Stanleyjĕvˈənz [key], 1835–82, English economist and logician. After working in Australia as assayer to the mint, he taught at Owens College,…

Fitzhugh, George

(Encyclopedia) Fitzhugh, George, 1806–81, American author and editor, b. Prince William co., Va. Although he had little formal education he was admitted to the bar, but he devoted little time to the…

Cadamosto, Luigi da

(Encyclopedia) Cadamosto, Luigi daCadamosto, Luigi dal&oomacr;ēˈjē dä kädämôˈstō [key], 1432?–1488, Venetian navigator in the service of Prince Henry the Navigator of Portugal. He seems to have…

Walker, Francis Amasa

(Encyclopedia) Walker, Francis Amasa, 1840–97, American economist, statistician, and educator, b. Boston, grad. Amherst; son of Amasa Walker. In the Civil War he was brevetted brigadier general.…

Cosa, Juan de la

(Encyclopedia) Cosa, Juan de laCosa, Juan de lahwän dā lä kōˈsä [key], c.1460–1510, Spanish navigator. He sailed with Columbus in 1492 (as pilot of the flagship Santa María) and again in 1498. After…

Frederick VII, king of Denmark

(Encyclopedia) Frederick VII, 1808–63, king of Denmark, duke of Schleswig, Holstein, and Lauenburg (1848–63), son and successor of Christian VIII. He accepted a liberal constitution in 1849 that…

Delmedigo, Elijah ben Moses Abba

(Encyclopedia) Delmedigo, Elijah ben Moses AbbaDelmedigo, Elijah ben Moses Abbadālmĕˈdēgō [key], c.1460–1497, Jewish philosopher and Talmudist, b. Crete, known also as Elijah Cretensis. He emigrated…