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Displaying 491 - 500

Butch Cassidy: Fact or Fiction?

The Question: Did Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid really exist? The Answer: Yes, though the feature film based on them is hardly a documentary. See our biographies of Butch Cassidy (AKA…


The Question: What is Chrismahanukwanzakah? The Answer: It's a word made up by Virgin Mobile for a popular ad campaign. They combined every…

The Color of Pluto

The Question: What color is the dwarf planet Pluto? The Answer: Our knowledge Pluto is limited. With that said, astronomers have pieced together a very…

Computer Viruses

The Question: Where can I find information on computer viruses? The Answer: Here is a link to a directory of virus information put together by the National…

Esperanto Speakers

The Question: Do people actually speak Esperanto? The Answer: Yes, but mostly in addition to another language. According to Ethnologue's Esperanto entry…

What Is Falafel?

The Question: What is a falafel? The Answer: According to our dictionary, a falafel is a "small croquette made with fava-bean flour or ground chick peas…

First Night Game in Baseball

The Question: Which baseball park hosted the first night game? The Answer: The first park to host a Major League night game was Crosley Field…

First President Born in a Hospital

The Question: Who was the first U.S. president to be born in a hospital? The Answer: James Earl "Jimmy" Carter, our 39th president, was…

"Funeral Blues"

The Question: In a funeral scene in Four Weddings and a Funeral, a character reads a beautiful poem about the anger at a friend's death. Who is the author…

Highest-grossing film

The Question: What movie has made the most money at the U.S. box office? The Answer: As of the end of 2010, Avatar is easily the winner, having grossed…