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Kinsey, Alfred Charles

(Encyclopedia) Kinsey, Alfred CharlesKinsey, Alfred Charleskĭnˈzē [key], 1894–1956, American biologist, b. Hoboken, N.J., grad. Bowdoin College (B.S., 1916), Harvard (D.Sc., 1920). He was associated…

Strategic Defense Initiative

(Encyclopedia) Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), former U.S. government program responsible for research and development of a space-based system to defend the nation from attack by strategic…

foreign aid

(Encyclopedia) foreign aid, economic, military, technical, and financial assistance given on an international, and usually intergovernmental level. U.S. foreign aid programs have included at least…

Baikonur Cosmodrome

(Encyclopedia) Baikonur or Baykonur CosmodromeBaikonur or Baykonur Cosmodromeboth: bīˌkən&oomacr;rˈ [key], formerly secret aerospace launch complex, Qyzylorda prov., S central Kazakhstan, near…

Schirra, Wally

(Encyclopedia) Schirra, Wally, (Walter Marty Schirra, Jr.), 1923–2007, the only American astronaut to fly in all of NASA's first three manned spaceflight programs, b. Hackensack, N.J., grad. U.S.…

Mitchell, Maria

(Encyclopedia) Mitchell, Maria, 1818–89, American astronomer and educator, b. Nantucket, Mass. Mitchell taught school in Nantucket, and later became a librarian. On Oct. 1, 1847, Mitchell discovered…

Work Projects Administration

(Encyclopedia) Work Projects Administration (WPA), former U.S. government agency, established in 1935 by executive order of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt as the Works Progress Administration;…

Tennessee State University

(Encyclopedia) Tennessee State University, at Nashville; coeducational; land-grant and state supported; est. 1912 as Tennessee Agriculture & Industrial State Normal School for Negroes; attained…

Hitchcock, Ethan Allen

(Encyclopedia) Hitchcock, Ethan Allen, 1835–1909, U.S. Secretary of the Interior (1898–1907), b. Mobile, Ala. He was appointed minister to Russia in 1897 but was called into McKinley's cabinet the…

Hale, Philip

(Encyclopedia) Hale, Philip, 1854–1934, American music critic, b. Norwich, Vt. He was music critic of the Boston Post (1890–91), Boston Journal (1891–1903), and Boston Herald (1903–34) and annotated…