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Most Viewed TV Programs of All Time in the US

The biggest broadcasts of all time There's a lot of TV, and the viewing public can have radically different taste and viewing habits. But, some broadcasts manage to occupy a massive share of the…

National Marine Sanctuary Program

(Encyclopedia) National Marine Sanctuary Program, federally owned marine and Great Lakes reserves, administered by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The program consists of…

social security

(Encyclopedia) social security, government program designed to provide for the basic economic security and welfare of individuals and their dependents. The programs classified under the term social…

New Economic Policy

(Encyclopedia) New Economic Policy (NEP), official economic reconstruction program of the USSR from 1921 to 1928. It replaced the economic policies of “war Communism” (1918–21), an emergency program…

enterprise zone

(Encyclopedia) enterprise zone, designated geographical district in which resident businesses are legally entitled to receive special benefits from a government, established in economically depressed…


(Encyclopedia) Medicaid, national health insurance program in the United States for low-income persons and persons with disabilities. It was established in 1965 with passage of the Social Security…

Bryn Mawr College

(Encyclopedia) Bryn Mawr College, at Bryn Mawr, Pa; undergraduate for women, graduate coeducational; opened 1885 by the Society of Friends, with a bequest from Joseph W. Taylor of Burlington, N.J.…

Norwich University

(Encyclopedia) Norwich University, at Northfield and Montpelier, Vt.; coeducational; founded 1819 as a private military college, opened 1820 at Norwich, Vt.; chartered under present name 1834, moved…

Head Start

(Encyclopedia) Head Start, U.S. educational program for disadvantaged preschool children, established under the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964. Aimed initially only at poor children, its purpose…