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Anderson, Clinton Presba

(Encyclopedia) Anderson, Clinton Presba, 1895–1975, U.S. government official and senator, b. Centerville, S.Dak. He had a newspaper and insurance background before he served New Mexico as treasurer (…

Walters, Barbara

(Encyclopedia) Walters, Barbara, 1929–2022, American journalist, news anchor, and media personality, b. 1929, Boston. Walters was a pioneering female…

Marshall Plan

(Encyclopedia) Marshall Plan or European Recovery Program, project instituted at the Paris Economic Conference (July, 1947) to foster economic recovery in certain European countries after World War…

programming language

(Encyclopedia) programming language, syntax, grammar, and symbols or words used to give instructions to a computer. Once the program is written and has had any errors repaired (a process called…

Antioch College

(Encyclopedia) Antioch College, at Yellow Springs, Ohio; coeducational; chartered 1852, opened 1853. Horace Mann, Antioch's first president, envisioned a program stressing the development not only of…

Jones, Samuel Milton

(Encyclopedia) Jones, Samuel Milton, 1846–1904, American political reformer, known as “Golden Rule” Jones, b. Wales. He was brought to America as a child and worked in the oil fields of Pennsylvania…

Carnegie, Dale

(Encyclopedia) Carnegie, DaleCarnegie, Dalekärˈnəgē, kärnāˈgē [key], 1888–1955, American lecturer and writer on self-improvement, b. Maryville, Mo., as Dale Carnagey; grad. State Normal School Number…

unemployment insurance

(Encyclopedia) unemployment insurance, insurance against loss of wages during the time that an able-bodied worker is involuntarily unemployed. The goal of such insurance is to provide a minimal…

Swarthmore College

(Encyclopedia) Swarthmore College, at Swarthmore, Pa.; coeducational; founded 1864 by the Society of Friends. It maintains a cooperative program with Bryn Mawr College, Haverford College, and the…