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Hong Kong, University of

(Encyclopedia) Hong Kong, University of, at Hong Kong, China; founded 1912. There are undergraduate faculties of architecture, liberal arts, business and economics, dentistry, education, engineering…

Losonczi, Pál

(Encyclopedia) Losonczi, PálLosonczi, Pálpäl lōshōnˈtsē [key], 1919–2005, Hungarian Communist politician. He joined the Communist party in 1945 and became a member of parliament in 1953. Active in…

Nevada, University of

(Encyclopedia) Nevada, University of, at Reno and Las Vegas; land-grant and state supported; coeducational; chartered 1864, opened 1874 at Elko, moved to Reno 1886. The Reno campus includes the…

De Gasperi, Alcide

(Encyclopedia) De Gasperi, AlcideDe Gasperi, Alcideälchēˈdā dā gäˈspārē [key], 1881–1954, Italian premier and a founder of the Christian Democratic party. Born in the Trentino—then under Austria—he…

White Lotus Rebellion

(Encyclopedia) White Lotus Rebellion, Chinese anti-Manchu uprising that occurred during the Ch'ing dynasty. It broke out (1796) among impoverished settlers in the mountainous region that separates…

Saint John's College

(Encyclopedia) Saint John's College, at Annapolis, Md., and Santa Fe, N.Mex.; coeducational; founded 1696 as King William's School, chartered 1784, opened 1786 as St. John's College. The Santa Fe…

Quebec, University of

(Encyclopedia) Quebec, University of, administrative center at Sainte Foy, Que., Canada; provincially supported; French language; founded 1968. Its largest campus is at Montreal and there are also…

Iowa, University of

(Encyclopedia) Iowa, University of, at Iowa City; state supported; coeducational; chartered 1847, opened 1855. It has a noted program in the creative arts, including the Iowa Writers' Workshop, one…

Mississippi, University of

(Encyclopedia) Mississippi, University of, main campus at Oxford; state supported; coeducational; chartered 1844, opened 1848. The university medical center, which includes the schools of medicine,…

Comprehensive Employment and Training Act

(Encyclopedia) Comprehensive Employment and Training Act (CETA), U.S. government program designed to assist economically disadvantaged, unemployed, or underemployed persons. Enacted in 1973, CETA…