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Comprehensive Employment and Training Act

(Encyclopedia) Comprehensive Employment and Training Act (CETA), U.S. government program designed to assist economically disadvantaged, unemployed, or underemployed persons. Enacted in 1973, CETA…

Brandeis University

(Encyclopedia) Brandeis University, at Waltham, Mass.; coeducational; chartered and opened 1948. Although Brandeis was founded by members of the American Jewish community, the university operates as…

Tricoupis, Hariloas

(Encyclopedia) Tricoupis, Hariloas, 1832–96, Greek statesman. He became Greece's foreign minister in 1866 at the age of 34. After brief periods as premier in 1875 and 1880, he became premier again in…

Cuno, Wilhelm

(Encyclopedia) Cuno, WilhelmCuno, Wilhelmvĭlˈhĕlm k&oomacr;ˈnō [key], 1876–1933, German chancellor (Nov., 1922–Aug., 1923). A businessman, he headed a nonpartisan conservative ministry. His…

Magsaysay, Ramón

(Encyclopedia) Magsaysay, RamónMagsaysay, Ramónrämōnˈ mägsīˈsī [key], 1907–57, president of the Philippines (1953–57). When the Japanese invaded the Philippines (1941), he joined the army and was…

land-grant colleges and universities

(Encyclopedia) land-grant colleges and universities, U.S. institutions benefiting from the provisions of the Morrill Act (1862), which gave to the states federal lands for the establishment of…

civil commitment

(Encyclopedia) civil commitment or involuntary commitment, process by which a court determines whether or not to order an individual to receive treatment or care or be confined. A person may be…


(Encyclopedia) homelessness, the condition of not having a permanent place to live, widely perceived as a societal problem only beginning in the 1980s. Figures for the number of homeless people in…

Drew, Charles Richard

(Encyclopedia) Drew, Charles Richard, 1904–50, African-American physician, b. Washington, D.C. A surgeon and a professor at Howard Univ. (1935–36; 1942–50), he developed a means of preserving blood…

Gaynor, William Jay

(Encyclopedia) Gaynor, William Jay, 1849–1913, U.S. political leader, mayor of New York City, b. Oneida co., N.Y. He rose to prominence as a civic reformer in Brooklyn and, as justice of the New York…