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Brewer's: Phynnodderee

[the Hairy-one]. A Manx spirit, similar to the Scotch “brownie,” and German “kobold.” He is said to be an outlawed fairy, and the offence was this: He absented himself without leave from…

Brewer's: Pickle

A rod in pickle. One ready to chastise with at any moment. Pickled means preserved for use. (Danish, pekel.) I'm in a pretty pickle. In a sorry plight, or state of disorder. “How camst…

Brewer's: Posy

properly means a copy of verses presented with a bouquet. It now means the verses without the flowers, as the “posy of a ring,” or the flowers without the verses, as a “pretty posy.” “He…

Brewer's: Slating

(A). A slashing review. “He cut it up root and branch ... He gave it what he technically styled `a slating'; and as he threw down his pen ... he muttered, `I think I've pretty well settled…

Brewer's: Snakes in his Boots

(To have). To suffer from D.T. (delirium tremens) This is one of the delusions common to those so afflicted. “He's been pretty high on whisky for two or three days, ... and they say he's…

Brewer's: Whisky

Contracted from the Gaelic ooshk-'a-pai (water of health). Usquebaugh, Irish uisge-'a-bagh (water of life); cau de vie, French (water of life…

Brewer's: Bamboozle

To cheat by cunning, or daze with tricks. “The third refinement observable in the letter I send you, consists of the choice of certain words invented by some pretty fellows, such as banter…

Brewer's: Bed-rock

American slang for one's last shilling. A miner's term, called in England the “stone-head,” and in America, the “Bed-rock,” the hard basis rock. When miners get to this bed the mine is…

Brewer's: Patten

Martha or Patty, says Gay, was the daughter of a Lincolnshire farmer, with whom the village blacksmith fell in love. To save her from wet feet when she went to milk the cows, the village…

Brewer's: Follower

A male sweetheart who follows the object of his affections. A word very common among servants. Mistresses say to female servants, “I allow no followers” —i.e. I do not allow men to come…