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Brewer's: Cutter's Law

Not to see a fellow want while we have cash in our purse. Cutter's law means the law of purse-cutters, robbers, brigands, and highwaymen. “I must put you in cash with some of your old…

Brewer's: Cool Card

You are a cool card (or pretty cool card). A person who coolly asks for something preposterous or outrageous. Card = character, hence a queer card, a rum card, etc. And “cool” in this…

Brewer's: Collectivists

Collectivism is the opposite of Individualism. In the latter system, everyone is to be his own master, and everything is to be free and in common. In the former system, government is to be…

Brewer's: Nimini Pimini

Affected simplicity. Lady Emily, in the Heiress, tells Miss Alscrip the way to acquire the paphian Mimp is to stand before a glass and keep pronouncing nimini pimini. “The lips cannot fail…

Brewer's: Spell

(A), in workman's language, means a portion of time allotted to some particular work, and from which the men are relieved when the limited time expires. To spell is to relieve another at…

Brewer's: Stockfish

I will beat thee like a stockfish. Moffet and Bennet, in their Health's Improvement (p. 262), inform us that dried cod, till it is beaten, is called buckhorn, because it is so tough; but…

Brewer's: Tidy

means in tide, in season, in time. We retain the word in even-tide, spring-tide, and so on. Tusser has the phrase, “If the weather be fair and tidy,” meaning seasonable. Things done…

Brewer's: Tityre Tus

Dissolute young scape, graces, whose delight was to worry the watchmen, upset sedans, wrench knockers off doors, and be rude to pretty women, at the close of the seventeenth century. The…

Brewer's: To morrow never Comes

A reproof to those who defer till to-morrow what should be done to-day. “ `I shall acquaint your mother, Miss May, with your pretty behaviour to-morrow.'- `I suppose you mean to-morrow…

Brewer's: Red Cap

(Mother). An old nurse “at the Hungerford Stairs.” Dame Ursley or Ursula, another nurse, says of her rival- “She may do very well for skipper's wives, chandlers' daughters, and such like,…