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Displaying 371 - 380

Peter Pan: The Mermaids' Lagoon

The Home Under the Ground The Never Bird The Mermaids' Lagoon If you shut your eyes and are a lucky one, you may see at times a shapeless pool of lovely pale colours suspended in the…

William Shakespeare: As You Like It, Act IV

Act IVScene IThe forestEnter Rosalind, Celia, and JaquesJaquesI prithee, pretty youth, let me be better acquainted with thee.RosalindThey say you are a melancholy fellow.JaquesI am so; I do…

The Seven Continents

What is a continent? A continent is defined as a large unbroken landmass completely surrounded by water, although in some cases continents are (or were in part) connected by land bridges. The…

The Top Ten: Fiction's Wealthiest

      Wealthiest Fictional Characters This list—entirely subjective—bases the wealth of the characters on world events (Daddy Warbucks has clearly benefited from the wars in Iraq and…

Weather: Forecasting from the Beginning

Forecasting from the BeginningWeatherWhat Should I Wear?Playing the OddsGetting Down to BasicsForecasting from the Beginning Our brief exploration into forecasting pretty much follows the techniques…

James Winthrop: Agrippa XI

Agrippa XIJames Winthrop8 January 1788by James Winthrop, AgrippaTo the People.My last Address contained the outlines of a system fully adequate to all the useful purposes of the union. Its…

Scads of Scooters

Not just for kids anymore by Holly Hartman A San Francisco "scooter-commuter"[ Take our Transportation Quiz!! ] New York businessmen depend on them, Japanese teenagers can't live without them, and…

The Queen Bee

The Queen Bee Two kings' sons once upon a time went into the world to seek their fortunes; but they soon fell into a wasteful foolish way of living, so that they could not return home again.…