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Brewer's: Wallflower

So called because it grows on old walls and ruined buildings. It is a native plant. Similarly, wall-cress, wall-creeper, etc., are plants which grow on…

Brewer's: Bellerophon

One of the ships which took part in the Battle of the Nile, and was called by the English sailors “the Bully-ruffran,” or “Belly-ruffron.” “Why, she and the Belly-ruffron seem to have…

Brewer's: Besom

To hang out the besom. To have a fling when your wife is gone on a visit. To be a quasi bachelor once more. Taking this in connection with the following phrase, it evidently means, holding…

Brewer's: Jean des Vignes

(French). So the jonglers call the poupée to which they address themselves. The French Protestants in the sixteenth century called “the host” Jean, and the word is pretty well synonymous…

Brewer's: Jemmy

a name found in engravings of the eighteenth century, was James Worsdale, the painter and dramatic writer (died 1767). A housebreaker's crowbar. A variant of Jimmy, Jenny, Jinnie, and a…

Brewer's: Brownie

The house spirit in Scottish superstition. He is called in England Robin Goodfellow. At night he is supposed to busy himself in doing little jobs for the family over which he presides.…

Brewer's: Garter

(g hard). Knights of the Garter. The popular legend is that Joan, Countess of Salisbury, accidentally slipped her garter at a court ball. It was picked up by her royal partner, Edward III…

Brewer's: Amber

This fossilised vegetable resin is, according to legend, a concretion of birds' tears. The birds were the sisters of Meleager, who never ceased weeping for the death of their brother. —…

Brewer's: Amoret

brought up by Venus in the courts of love. She is the type of female loveliness—young, handsome, gay, witty, and good; soft as a rose, sweet as a violet, chaste as a lily, gentle as a dove…

Brewer's: Archimago

[Hypocrisy ]. In Spenser's Faëric Queene (ii. 1). He assumes the guise of the Red Cross Knight, and deceives Una; but Sansloy sets upon him, and reveals his true character. When the Red…