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Displaying 361 - 370

Brewer's: Gasconade

(3 syl., g hard). Talk like that of a Gascon—absurd boasting, vainglorious braggadocio. It is said that a Gascon being asked what he thought of the Louvre in Paris, replied, “Pretty well;…

Brewer's: Slating

(A). A slashing review. “He cut it up root and branch ... He gave it what he technically styled `a slating'; and as he threw down his pen ... he muttered, `I think I've pretty well settled…

Brewer's: Snakes in his Boots

(To have). To suffer from D.T. (delirium tremens) This is one of the delusions common to those so afflicted. “He's been pretty high on whisky for two or three days, ... and they say he's…

Brewer's: Patten

Martha or Patty, says Gay, was the daughter of a Lincolnshire farmer, with whom the village blacksmith fell in love. To save her from wet feet when she went to milk the cows, the village…

Brewer's: Whisky

Contracted from the Gaelic ooshk-'a-pai (water of health). Usquebaugh, Irish uisge-'a-bagh (water of life); cau de vie, French (water of life…

Encountering Complex Fractions

Encountering Complex Fractions Algebra Rational Expressions Simplifying Rational Expressions Combining Rational Expressions Multiplying and Dividing Rationally Encountering Complex Fractions…

Equations with Multiple Variables

Equations with Multiple Variables Algebra Solving Basic Equations Maintaining a Balance Equations with Multiple Steps Absolute Value Equations Equations with Multiple Variables So far, when…

Chemistry: Shake It Up: Mixtures

Shake It Up: MixturesChemistryElements, Compounds, and MixturesPure SubstancesShake It Up: MixturesColloids: Somewhere in BetweenSeparating Mixtures Mixtures are materials that contain more than…

Advanced-Level Science Projects: Copper Magic

Copper MagicAdvanced-Level Science ProjectsChemistryWhat's in a Color?Copper Magic This is an easy experiment to conduct, but interesting because it involves several chemical reactions and you get…