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Brewer's: Beaux Yeux

(French). Beautiful eyes or attractive looks. “I will do it for your beaux yeux” (because you are so pretty, or because your eyes are so attractive). Source: Dictionary of Phrase and…

Brewer's: Ligurian Republic

(The). Venetia, Genoa, and a part of Sardinia, tied up in one bundle by Napoleon I. in 1797, and bound with a constitution similar to that of the French “Directory,” so called from Liguria…

Brewer's: Jacob's Ladder

A ladder seen by the patriarch Jacob in a vision. It was set on the earth, and reached to heaven, and angels seemed to be ascending and descending on it (Gen. xxviii. 12). Jacob is, on…

Brewer's: Kick Up a Row

(To). To create a disturbance. “A pretty kick up” is a great disturbance. The phrase “To kick up the dust” explains the other phrases. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham…

Brewer's: Kingdom Come

Death, the grave, execution. And forty pounds be theirs, a pretty sum, For sending such a rogue to kingdom come. Peter Pindar Subjects for Painters. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and…

Brewer's: Thorps-men

Villagers. This very pretty Anglo-Saxon word is worth restoring. (Thorpe, Anglo-Saxon, a village.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894ThothThorns A B C D E…

Brewer's: Jurassic Rocks

Limestone rocks; so called from the Jura; the Jurassic period is the geological period when these rocks were formed. Our oolitic series pretty nearly corresponds with the Jurassic.…

Maddie's Time Travel Essay

Maddie imagines being a daughter of King George III during the American Revolution Related Links American Revolution How to Write a…

William Shakespeare: Henry V, Act IV, Scene VI

Scene VIAnother part of the fieldAlarums. Enter King Henry and forces, Exeter, and othersKing Henry VWell have we done, thrice valiant countrymen: But all's not done; yet keep the French the…