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The Great Brontosaurus Hoax

by Borgna Brunner Will the real dinosaur please stand up?Apatosaurus/Brontosaurus © Joe Tucciarone Dinosaur Hall of Fame See our informal guide to the biggest, smallest, fastest,…

Filmography Biography

Meg Ryan (Margaret Mary Emily Anne Hyra)actressBorn: 11/19/1961Birthplace: Fairfield, Connecticut Having paid her New York University tuition bills by performing in commercials, Ryan abandoned…

Sacre Bleu

Eventual winner Marco Pantani joins the protest with the rest of the his fellow bikers on the French concrete before the start of the 12th stage of the Tour de France.Archive Photos Italy's…

A Merry Christmas

A Merry ChristmasJo was the first to wake in the gray dawn of Christmas morning. No stockings hung at the fireplace, and for a moment she felt as much disappointed as she did long ago, when…

Chauncey Judd: Search for the Fugitives

Wooster's Well Dayton's Den Search for the Fugitives Let us return briefly, and trace the progress of the pursuit. The party that were in search of the missing boy, being joined…

Algebra: Whipping Word Problems

Whipping Word Problems Algebra Whipping Word Problems Interest Problems Area and Volume Problems Speed and Distance Problems Mixture and Combination Problems The mythological Greek gods were…

Modern Pentathlon

First Olympic Appearance: 1912 (men); 2000 (women) by Mike Morrison and Mark Zurlo Did You Know? American George Patton (yes, that George Patton) was a strong challenger for the modern…

Spotlight Archive

Entertainment Society & Culture | Unites States | World | Business | History & Gov't | Sports | Biography | Health & Science | Entertainment A Austin Powers QuizAges Four…

Make Your Own Lava Lamp!

Art meets science, or vice versa by Holly Hartman Did you ever hear that "oil and water don't mix"? Here's groovy proof. You will need: vegetable oil or baby oil water food…