Columbia Encyclopedia

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Giunta Pisano

(Encyclopedia)Giunta Pisano jo͞onˈtä pēzäˈnō [key], fl. 1236–1255, Italian painter of Pisa. Among his signed works are three very large depictions of the Crucifixion executed for the churches of San Ranier...


(Encyclopedia)Hamilcar hămˈĭlkär, həmĭlˈ– [key], fl. 480 b.c., Carthaginian general. Little is known of him, although he was a member of the powerful Barca family. He commanded an army against Gelon and th...


(Encyclopedia)Hasting hāˈstĭng [key], fl. last half of 9th cent., leader of the Vikings, called Hasting the Pirate. He ravaged the coasts of France, Spain, and Italy, went into Morocco, plundered in the south of...


(Encyclopedia)Hiawatha hīˈəwäˈthə [key], fl. c.1550, legendary chief of the Onondaga of North America. He is credited with founding the Iroquois Confederacy. He is the hero of the well-known poem by Henry Wad...

Brennus, fl. c.389 b.c., legendary Gallic leader

(Encyclopedia)Brennus, fl. c.389 b.c., legendary Gallic leader. He occupied Rome but failed to take the Capitol from Manlius (Marcus Manlius Capitolinus). According to legend, when the tribute that the Romans had a...


(Encyclopedia)Aenesidemus ēnĕsˌĭdēˈməs [key], Greek skeptic philosopher, fl. probably 1st cent. b.c. Thought to be a native of Knossos, Crete, he taught in Alexandria. Although his writings have been lost, i...

Capella, Martianus

(Encyclopedia)Capella, Martianus märshēāˈnəs kəpĕlˈə [key], fl. 5th cent.?, Latin writer, b. Carthage. His one famous work, The Marriage of Mercury and Philology, also called the Satyricon and Disciplinae,...

Vidal, Peire

(Encyclopedia)Vidal, Peire pĕr vēdälˈ [key], fl. 1180–1206, Provençal troubadour, b. Toulouse. He spent much of his career in S France and traveled widely in Italy, Cyprus, Hungary, Spain, and Malta. Richard...


(Encyclopedia)Vigilantius vĭjˌĭlănˈshəs [key], fl. 400, Christian priest of Gaul who was violently opposed by St. Jerome. Jerome's letters and a tract, Liber contra Vigilantium, declare that Vigilantius denie...

Vatel, François

(Encyclopedia)Vatel, François fräNswäˈ vätĕlˈ [key], fl. 17th cent., French chef, famous in the time of Louis XIV. Mme Marie de Sévigné, in her letters, speaks of him as the chef of the prince of Condé an...

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