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(Encyclopedia)Hiawatha hīˈəwäˈthə [key], fl. c.1550, legendary chief of the Onondaga of North America. He is credited with founding the Iroquois Confederacy. He is the hero of the well-known poem by Henry Wad...

Apollonius Rhodius

(Encyclopedia)Apollonius Rhodius rōˈdēəs [key], fl. 3d cent. b.c., epic poet of Alexandria and Rhodes. He became librarian at Alexandria. His extant work, the Argonautica, is a Homeric imitation in four books o...

Mannyng, Robert

(Encyclopedia)Mannyng or Manning, Robert, fl. 1298–1338, English poet, b. Brunne (modern Bourne), Lincolnshire; also called Robert of Brunne. He was a monk in the Gilbertine order. Mannyng is known chiefly for hi...


(Encyclopedia)Marculf märˈkŭlfˌ [key], fl. 7th cent., Frankish monk. He compiled the Marculfi monachi formulae [formularies of Marculf], usually dated c.650. Formularies were model forms of official documents f...

Martín, Esteban

(Encyclopedia)Martín, Esteban ĕstāˈbän märtēnˈ [key], fl. 1539, printer in Mexico. Martín is reputed to have preceded Juan Pablos. There is evidence that he printed Escala espiritual para llegar al cielo, ...

Longinus, fl. 1st cent.? a.d., Greek literary critic

(Encyclopedia)Longinus lŏnjīˈnəs [key], fl. 1st cent.? a.d., Greek literary critic; writer of the famous treatise On the Sublime. Nothing is known of his life, and for a long time his work was attributed to Cas...


(Encyclopedia)Longus lôngˈgəs [key], fl. 3d cent. a.d., Greek writer. The pastoral romance Daphnis and Chloë is attributed to him. Idyllic in nature, the poem tells the charming story of the love of a goatherd ...


(Encyclopedia)Lycophron lĭkˈəfrŏn [key], fl. early 3d cent. b.c., b. Chalcis, Alexandrian Greek poet, one of the Pleiad. His only extant poem Cassandra or Alexandra, is an obscure and difficult work in iambic v...

Modestinus, Herennius

(Encyclopedia)Modestinus, Herennius hərĕnˈēəs mŏdəstīˈnəs [key], fl. c.a.d. 250, Roman jurist; student of Ulpian. Under the Roman Empire he was one of the five jurists, including Papinian, whose views wer...


(Encyclopedia)Mikon mīˈkŏn [key], fl. c.460 b.c., Greek painter and sculptor. In collaboration with Polygnotus he painted The Greeks and the Amazons and the celebrated Battle of Marathon in the Stoa Poecile (Gr....

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