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500 results found


(Encyclopedia)Zeuxis zo͞okˈsĭs [key], fl. 5th cent. b.c., Greek painter. According to tradition he settled in Ephesus, was an intimate (possibly a pupil) of Apollodorus, and aided in developing a technique for p...

Walter of Henley

(Encyclopedia)Walter of Henley or Walter de Henley, fl. 13th cent., English writer on agriculture. His treatise Husbandry, written in Norman French in the mid-13th cent., was the great medieval authority in England...


(Encyclopedia)Theognis thēŏgˈnĭs [key], fl. 6th cent. b.c., Greek didactic poet of Megara. An aristocrat with fierce partisan feelings, he wrote for his young friend Cyrnus a series of elegies, often passionate...


(Encyclopedia)ostracism ŏsˈtrəsĭzˌəm [key], ancient Athenian method of banishing a public figure. It was introduced after the fall of the family of Pisistratus. Each year the assembly took a preliminary vote ...


(Encyclopedia)Aeschines ĕˈskĭnēz [key], c.390–314? b.c., Athenian orator, rival of Demosthenes. Aeschines rose from humble circumstances and became powerful in politics because of his oratorical gifts. At fir...


(Encyclopedia)Basilides bəsĭlˈĭdēz [key], fl. 120–145, Gnostic teacher of Alexandria. He wrote Exegitica (his personal gospel with 24 books of commentary) and poems. He claimed to possess a secret tradition ...

Baixada Fluminense

(Encyclopedia)Baixada Fluminense bīshäˈdə flo͞omēnēNnˈsə [key], coastal lowland region, Rio de Janeiro state, SE Brazil. It extends c.250 mi (400 km) from Sepetiba Bay to the Paraíba River between the Ser...

San Pedro, Diego de

(Encyclopedia)San Pedro, Diego de dyāˈgō ᵺā sän pāˈᵺrō [key], fl. 1450, Spanish writer. He is best known for two sentimental novels that influenced the later development of the Spanish novel. They are T...

Sebastian, Saint

(Encyclopedia)Sebastian, Saint, fl. 3d cent.?, Roman martyr. Little is known of his life. According to tradition he was an officer of the Praetorian guards much favored by Emperor Diocletian, who did not know that ...

Eudocia Macrembolitissa

(Encyclopedia)Eudocia Macrembolitissa măkˌrəmbŏlˌĭtĭsˈə [key], fl. 11th cent., Byzantine empress. At the death of her husband, Constantine X, she married Romanus IV. ...

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