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500 results found

Dewing, Francis

(Encyclopedia)Dewing, Francis do͞oˈĭng, dyo͞oˈ– [key], fl. 1716–22, early American engraver, b. England. He came to Boston in 1716 as an engraver and printer, probably one of the first in America. In 1722 ...


(Encyclopedia)Dexippus (Publius Herennius Dexippus) dĕksĭpˈəs [key], fl. 253–276, Greek historian of the Roman period. He commanded Greek troops in an unsuccessful attempt to halt a Gothic invasion in 262. Hi...

Dioscorides, Pedanius

(Encyclopedia)Dioscorides, Pedanius pĭdānˈēəs dīəskôrˈĭdēz [key], fl. 1st cent. a.d., Greek physician of Anazarbus, Cilicia. While traveling as a surgeon in the Roman army, he collected information on th...


(Encyclopedia)Festus (Sextus Pompeius Festus), fl. some time between a.d. 100 and 400, Roman lexicographer; his surviving work, On the Meaning of Words, is an abridgment of the lost glossary of Marcus Verrius Flacc...


(Encyclopedia)Fallingwater, Bear Run, Pa., house designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. Fallingwater (1936–39) is an architectural tour de force of Wright's organic philosophy, whereby a building should be completely in...

Bias, Greek sage

(Encyclopedia)Bias bīˈəs [key], fl. 6th cent. b.c., Greek sage, b. Priene. He is at best semilegendary but was called one of the Seven Wise Men of Greece. Many epigrams were attributed to him by ancient writers....


(Encyclopedia)Tsunetaka (Tosa Tsunetaka) tōsä tso͞onātäˈkä [key], fl. 12th cent., Japanese painter. He held the title of vice lord of Tosa, and later artists of the Tosa clan claimed him as the founder of th...


(Encyclopedia)Trogus (Cnaeus Pompeius Trogus) trōˈgəs [key], fl. a.d. 5, Roman historian of Gallic origin. His history of the world, which survives only in excerpts by Justin, dealt with Assyria, Persia, Greece,...


(Encyclopedia)Manlius mănˈlēəs [key], ancient Roman gens, chiefly patrician but later containing plebeian families. Marcus Manlius Capitolinus, d. 384? b.c., consul (392 b.c.), took refuge in the Capitol when R...


(Encyclopedia)Rhoecus rēˈkəs [key] Gr. Rhoikos, fl. 6th cent. b.c., Greek sculptor of Samos. He and Theodorus, another Samian, are said to have introduced better methods of casting bronze for sculpture. Rhoecus ...

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