Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Richard of Devizes

(Encyclopedia)Richard of Devizes dĭvīˈzĭz [key], fl. late 12th cent., English chronicler and monk. He wrote a lively Chronicon de rebus gestis Ricardi primi [chronicle of the deeds of Richard I], a valuable his...


(Encyclopedia)Taillefer tīəfĕrˈ [key], fl. 1066, Norman warrior and trouvère. According to medieval chronicles and evidence in the Bayeux Tapestry, he led the Norman army at Hastings into battle, singing of Ro...

Anthemius of Tralles

(Encyclopedia)Anthemius of Tralles ănthēˈmēəs, trălˈēz [key], fl. 6th cent., Greek architect, engineer, and mathematician. By order of Emperor Justinian and with the aid of Isidorus of Miletus, he built (53...


(Encyclopedia)Oppian ŏpˈēən [key], fl. 2d cent., Greek poet. He is the author of a didactic poem (in five books of hexameters) on fishing called Halieutica. Two other poems, formerly attributed to Oppian, are n...


(Encyclopedia)Mimnermus mĭmnûrˈməs [key], fl. late 7th cent. b.c., Greek elegiac poet of Colophon in Ionia. Only fragments of his poetry survive. Although he mainly wrote love poetry, he did write some martial ...

Didymus Chalcenterus

(Encyclopedia)Didymus Chalcenterus dĭdˈĭməs kălsĕnˈtərəs [key], fl. 1st cent. b.c., Hellenistic Greek grammarian and expositor. Famous for his prodigious literary output, he supposedly produced over 3,500 ...

Dwight, John

(Encyclopedia)Dwight, John, fl. 1671–98, English potter, reputed founder of the Chelsea porcelain factory. The registration in 1671 of his patent for the “Mistery of transparent earthenware …” is the firs...


(Encyclopedia)Donatus (Aelius Donatus) ēˈlēəs dōnätˈəs [key], fl. 4th cent. a.d., Roman grammarian; teacher of St. Jerome. His only well-known work, the Ars grammatica [elements of grammar], was throughout ...

Gellius, Aulus

(Encyclopedia)Gellius, Aulus jĕlˈyəs [key], fl. 2d cent., Roman writer. He was a lawyer who spent at least a year in Athens and wrote Noctes Atticae [Attic nights], a collection of discussions of law, antiquitie...

Festus, Porcius

(Encyclopedia)Festus, Porcius pôrˈshəs [key], fl a.d. 60, Roman procurator of Judaea (a.d. 60–a.d. 62). He succeeded Antonius Felix. He was just in his administration of the province. The Acts of the Apostles ...

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