Columbia Encyclopedia

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Semonides of Amorgos

(Encyclopedia)Semonides of Amorgos sĭmŏnˈĭdēz, əmôrˈgŏs [key], fl. c.650 b.c., Greek iambic poet, b. Samos. He led a colony to the island of Amorgos in the SE Cyclades c.630 b.c. In one of the few extant f...

Pomponius Mela

(Encyclopedia)Pomponius Mela mēˈlə [key], fl. c.a.d. 50, Roman geographer, b. Spain. His De situ orbis, a description of the then known world, was published in Latin in 1471 and translated into English by Arthur...

Paul Knutson

(Encyclopedia)Paul Knutson no͞otsˈən [key], fl. 1354–64, Norse leader, alleged explorer of America. In 1354 or 1355 King Magnus VII of Norway directed him to conduct an expedition to Greenland to insure the co...


(Encyclopedia)Euhemerus yo͞ohĕmˈərəs [key], fl. c.300 b.c., Cyrenaic philosopher, b. Sicily. He is famous for a theory of mythology embodied in his philosophical romance, Sacred History, a work of which only f...


(Encyclopedia)Columella (Lucius Junius Moderatus Columella) kŏlˌyəmĕlˈə [key], fl. 1st cent. a.d., Latin writer on agriculture, b. Gades (now Cádiz), Spain. Of his work there remains the 12-volume De re rust...


(Encyclopedia)Alcman ălkˈmən [key], fl. 620 b.c., Greek lyric poet of Sparta. He was the earliest writer of Dorian choral poetry whose work has survived. Short choral fragments and a longer one (part of a parthe...


(Encyclopedia)Ctesias tēˈshēəs, tēˈsēəs [key], fl. 400 b.c., Greek historian and physician of Cnidus. He lived many years in the Persian court. He tended Artaxerxes II when he was wounded in the battle of C...


(Encyclopedia)Caractacus kərădˈək [key], fl. a.d. 50, British king; son of Cymbeline. After the Roman invasion of a.d. 43, he led British resistance until defeated in a.d. 50. He was captured and taken to Rome....


(Encyclopedia)Thespis thĕsˈpĭs [key], fl. 534 b.c., of Icaria in Attica. In Greek tradition, he was the inventor of tragedy. Almost nothing is known of his life or works. He is supposed to have modified the dith...


(Encyclopedia)Zuhair zo͞ohīrˈ [key], fl. 6th cent., Arab poet. Zuhair is often considered the greatest writer of Arabic poetry in pre-Islamic times. His work is represented in the Muallaqat. Zuhair's poems deal ...

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