Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found


(Encyclopedia)Aelian ēˈlēən [key], fl. 2d cent. a.d., Greek rhetorician, b. Praenesta; his original name was Claudius Aelianus. He taught rhetoric in Rome c.220. His works, all in Greek, include Historical Misc...

Blind Harry

(Encyclopedia)Blind Harry or Henry the Minstrel, fl. late 15th cent., supposed Scottish poet. He is considered the author of the patriotic epic, The Wallace, which celebrates the life of Sir William Wallace. Violen...

Stobaeus, Joannes

(Encyclopedia)Stobaeus, Joannes jōănˈēz stōbēˈəs [key], fl. 5th cent.? a.d., Greek anthologist. He made a large collection of excerpts from poets and prose writers on a variety of subjects, originally for t...

Swithin, Saint

(Encyclopedia)Swithin or Swithun, Saint both: swĭᵺˈən [key], fl. 860, English bishop of Winchester. He was buried, according to his wishes, outside his church, but his relics were later removed to the new cath...

Berenice, fl. 6 b.c., Jewish princess

(Encyclopedia)Berenice, fl. 6 b.c., Jewish princess; daughter of Costobarus and Salome, sister of Herod the Great (see under Herod). She was married to her cousin Aristobulus and bore him a son, Herod Agrippa I. Sh...


(Encyclopedia)Cassivellaunus kăˌsĭvĭlôˈnəs [key], fl. 54 b.c., British chieftain, a leader in the resistance against the invasion of Julius Caesar in 54 b.c. Caesar crossed the Thames River into Cassivellaun...

Celsus, Aulus Cornelius

(Encyclopedia)Celsus, Aulus Cornelius, fl. a.d. 14, Latin encyclopedist. His only extant work, De re medicina, consists of eight books on medicine believed to have been written c.a.d. 30. He was not esteemed as a s...

Pinzón, Martín Alonso

(Encyclopedia)Pinzón, Martín Alonso märtēnˈ älōnˈsō pēnthōnˈ [key] d.1493, Spanish navigator. The commander of the Pinta on Columbus's first voyage to the New World in 1492, he was already an experience...

Barton, Sir Edmund

(Encyclopedia)Barton, Sir Edmund, 1849–1920, Australian jurist and statesman. He was a leader in the movement for Australian federation, and became the first prime minister of the Commonwealth of Australia in 190...

Amherst, city, Canada

(Encyclopedia)Amherst, town, N central N.S., Canada. Amherst has a variety of light industries and is a service center for the surrounding agricultural region. Nearby are salt beds. Across the border in...

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