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Australian Capital Territory

(Encyclopedia) Australian Capital Territory, 939 sq mi (2,432 sq km), SE Australia, an enclave within New South Wales, containing Canberra, capital of Australia. It was called the Federal…


(Encyclopedia) NiteróiNiteróinētəroiˈ [key], city (1996 pop. 450,124), Rio de Janeiro prov., SE Brazil, on Guanabara Bay opposite the city of Rio de Janeiro. It is a residential suburb of Rio, and…

Dablon, Claude

(Encyclopedia) Dablon, ClaudeDablon, Claudeklōd däblôNˈ [key], 1619?–1697, French Jesuit missionary in North America. He went from France to Canada in 1655 and worked first among the Onondaga Indians…

Albanel, Charles

(Encyclopedia) Albanel, CharlesAlbanel, Charlesshärl älbänĕlˈ [key], 1616–96, French missionary explorer in Canada, a Jesuit priest. After arriving in Canada (1649), he was stationed many years at…

Gardiner, Sir Christopher

(Encyclopedia) Gardiner, Sir Christopher, fl. 1630–32, figure in the early history of the Massachusetts Bay colony. When the Puritans arrived in Massachusetts Bay in 1630, they found that Gardiner…

Fox, Luke

(Encyclopedia) Fox or Foxe, Luke, 1586–1635, English explorer. As a master mariner, he set forth in 1631 to hunt for the Northwest Passage. He explored the southern shore of Hudson Bay, satisfied…

Fages, Pedro

(Encyclopedia) Fages, PedroFages, Pedropāˈᵺrō fäˈhās [key], fl. 1767–96, Spanish governor of Alta California (1782–91). In Mexico in 1767, he was ordered to accompany the expedition of Gaspar de…

Campbell, Robert, Canadian fur trader and explorer

(Encyclopedia) Campbell, Robert, 1808–94, Canadian fur trader and explorer, b. Scotland. Employed as a young man by the Hudson's Bay Company, he was sent in 1834 to the Mackenzie River region, where…


(Encyclopedia) Akimiski, island: see James Bay, Canada.