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Displaying 441 - 450

Fort William

(Encyclopedia) Fort William: see Thunder Bay, Ont., Canada.

Delaware, river, United States

(Encyclopedia) DelawareDelawaredĕlˈəwâr, –wər [key], river, c.280 mi (450 km) long, rising in the Catskill Mts., SE N.Y., in east and west branches, which meet at Hancock. It flows SE along the New…

Bay of Pigs Invasion

(Encyclopedia) Bay of Pigs Invasion, 1961, an unsuccessful invasion of Cuba by Cuban exiles, supported by the U.S. government. On Apr. 17, 1961, an armed force of about 1,500 Cuban exiles landed in…

Muir Glacier

(Encyclopedia) Muir Glacier: see Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve.

Warrington, town, United States

(Encyclopedia) Warrington, uninc. residential town (1990 pop. 16,040), Escambia co., extreme NW Fla., a suburb of Pensacola, on Pensacola Bay. Although chiefly residential, it has shipyards and…

laurel, in botany

(Encyclopedia) CE5 Sassafras, Sassafras albidum, a member of the laurel family laurel, common name for the Lauraceae, a family of forest trees and shrubs found mainly in tropical SE Asia but also…

Lewis Hills

(Encyclopedia) Lewis Hills, section of the Long Range, W Newfoundland island, Canada, S of the Bay of Islands. It rises to 2,672 ft (814 m), the highest point on the island.


(Encyclopedia) Horton, river, c.275 mi (440 km) long, rising in a lake N of Great Bear Lake, Northwest Territories, Canada, and flowing NW to Franklin Bay, a part of the Beaufort Sea.