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(Encyclopedia) Carmel-by-the-Sea or Carmel Carmel kärmĕlˈ [key], village (2020 pop. 3,220…


(Encyclopedia) VitóriaVitóriavētôˈrēə [key], city (1996 pop. 263,708), capital of Espírito Santo state, E Brazil, on an island in Espírito Santo Bay of the Atlantic Ocean. It is one of Brazil's chief…


(Encyclopedia) VigoVigovēˈgō [key], city (1990 pop. 279,986), Pontevedra prov., NW Spain, in Galicia, on an inlet of the Atlantic Ocean. A naval base and one of the most active ports of Spain, it has…

Simpson, Sir George

(Encyclopedia) Simpson, Sir George, 1792?–1860, governor of the Hudson's Bay Company in Canada (1821–56), b. Scotland. In 1820 he was sent by the Hudson's Bay Company to Canada, where he took charge…

Chesterfield Inlet

(Encyclopedia) Chesterfield Inlet, hamlet, Canadian government post in the Nunavut Territory, at the mouth of Chesterfield Inlet of Hudson Bay.


(Encyclopedia) Jayapura or DjajapuraDjajapuraboth: jäˌyəpŭrˈə [key], formerly SukarnapuraSukarnapuras&oomacr;kärˌnəp&oobreve;rˈə [key], town, capital of Papua (Indonesian New Guinea),…

Endecott, John

(Encyclopedia) Endecott or Endicott, JohnEndecott or Endicott, Johnboth: ĕnˈdĭkət, –kätˌ [key], c.1588–1665, one of the founders of Massachusetts Bay colony, b. England. He led the first group of…


(Encyclopedia) Bellingham Bellingham bĕlˈĭnghămˌ [key], city (2020 pop. 91,482), seat of Whatcom co., NW Wash., a port…

Trinity , river, United States

(Encyclopedia) Trinity, river rising in N Texas in three forks; the Clear Fork runs into the West Fork at Fort Worth, and the Elm Fork joins the West Fork at Dallas. The Trinity then flows c.510 mi (…


(Encyclopedia) Ilorin Ilorin ēlôˈrēn [key], city, SW Nigeria. It is an industrial city and the market…