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(Encyclopedia) KaministikwiaKaministikwiakəmĭnˌĭstĭkˈwēə [key], river, c.60 mi (100 km) long, rising in Dog Lake, W Ont., Canada, and flowing S, then E into Lake Superior at Thunder Bay. In fur trade…


(Encyclopedia) SakurajimaSakurajimasäk&oomacr;ˈräˈjĭmä [key], peninsula, Kagoshima prefecture, S Kyushu, Japan, in Kagoshima Bay opposite Kagoshima. Formerly an island, Sakurajima became a…


(Encyclopedia) PenetanguishenePenetanguishenepĕnˌətăngˌgəshēnˈ, –gwəshēnˈ [key], town (1991 pop. 6,643), S Ont., Canada, on Penetanguishene Bay, an inlet of Georgian Bay. The name is a Native…

Fox, river, United States

(Encyclopedia) Fox, river, 176 mi (283 km) long, rising in S central Wis. and flowing SW to within 1.5 mi (2.4 km) of Portage, Wis., on the Wisconsin River, then NE through Lake Winnebago into Green…


(Encyclopedia) GarabogazkolGarabogazkolgəräˌbəgäzˌkôlˈ [key] or Kara-Bogaz-GolGarabogazkolkəräˌ-bəgäzˌ-gôlˈ [key], shallow bay,, in Turkmenistan. An arm of the Caspian Sea, it acts as a natural…

Ottawa, indigenous people of North America

(Encyclopedia) OttawaOttawaŏtˈəwə [key] or OdawaOdawaōdäˈwə [key], Native Americans whose language belongs to the Algonquian branch of the Algonquian-Wakashan linguistic stock (see Native American…

Paulson, Henry Merritt, Jr.

(Encyclopedia) Paulson, Henry Merritt, Jr., 1946–, U.S. investment banker and government official, b. Palm Beach, Fla., grad. Harvard (M.B.A., 1970). After working as an assistant to the comptroller…

giant pouched rat

(Encyclopedia) giant pouched rat, terrestrial African rodent of the genus Cricetomys. Found in a wide variety of habitats, including farmland, in sub-Saharan Africa north of South Africa, giant…

Tabernacles, Feast of

(Encyclopedia) Tabernacles, Feast of, one of the oldest and most joyous of Jewish holidays, called in the Bible the Feast of Ingathering and today often called by its Hebrew name, Sukkoth [Heb.,=…

Kelsey, Henry

(Encyclopedia) Kelsey, HenryKelsey, Henrykĕlˈsē [key], c.1670–1729, English fur trader and explorer in Canada. He entered the service of the Hudson's Bay Company in 1684. He was sent (1689) inland to…