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Displaying 421 - 430

Sturges, Preston

(Encyclopedia) Sturges, PrestonSturges, Prestonstûrˈjĭs [key], 1898–1959, American film director, screenwriter, and producer, b. Chicago as Edmond Preston Biden. Educated in the United States and…

Chesapeake Bay retriever

(Encyclopedia) Chesapeake Bay retriever, breed of large sporting dog developed in the United States. It stands about 24 in. (61 cm) high at the shoulder and weighs about 65 lb (29.5 kg). Its thick,…

James Bay Project

(Encyclopedia) James Bay Project, a colossal hydroelectric development of the rivers emptying into the E James Bay, central Quebec, Canada. La Grande Phase I, finished in 1985, created the world's…

Bay of Whales

(Encyclopedia) Bay of Whales: see Ross Sea; Antarctica.

Whales, Bay of

(Encyclopedia) Whales, Bay of: see Ross Sea; Antarctica.

Churchill, rivers, Canada

(Encyclopedia) Churchill. 1 River, c.600 mi (970 km) long, issuing as the Ashuanipi River from Ashuanipi Lake, SW Labrador, N.L., Canada, and flowing in an arc north, then southeast through a series…

Castro Valley

(Encyclopedia) Castro Valley, uninc. city (2020 pop. 66,441), Alameda co., W Calif., near San Francisco Bay. Chiefly residential, it also has light…

Australian Capital Territory

(Encyclopedia) Australian Capital Territory, 939 sq mi (2,432 sq km), SE Australia, an enclave within New South Wales, containing Canberra, capital of Australia. It was called the Federal…


(Encyclopedia) NiteróiNiteróinētəroiˈ [key], city (1996 pop. 450,124), Rio de Janeiro prov., SE Brazil, on Guanabara Bay opposite the city of Rio de Janeiro. It is a residential suburb of Rio, and…

Dablon, Claude

(Encyclopedia) Dablon, ClaudeDablon, Claudeklōd däblôNˈ [key], 1619?–1697, French Jesuit missionary in North America. He went from France to Canada in 1655 and worked first among the Onondaga Indians…