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(Encyclopedia) Horton, river, c.275 mi (440 km) long, rising in a lake N of Great Bear Lake, Northwest Territories, Canada, and flowing NW to Franklin Bay, a part of the Beaufort Sea.

Belcher Islands

(Encyclopedia) Belcher Islands, c.1,110 sq mi (2,870 sq km), in E Hudson Bay, Nunavut Territory, Canada, off W Quebec. Flaherty Island is the largest of the tundra-covered group.


(Encyclopedia) Longmeadow, town (1990 pop. 15,467), Hampden co., SW Mass., a residential suburb adjoining Springfield, on the Connecticut River; settled 1644, set off and inc. 1783. Bay Path College…


(Encyclopedia) JaffnaJaffnajăfˈnə [key], peninsula, northernmost part of Sri Lanka, separated from India by Palk Strait. The peninsula is densely inhabited, largely by Tamil-speaking people. Jaffna…


(Encyclopedia) germination, in a seed, process by which the plant embryo within the seed resumes growth after a period of dormancy and the seedling emerges. The length of dormancy varies; the seed of…

hermit crab

(Encyclopedia) hermit crab, a crustacean distinguished from true crabs by its long, soft, spirally coiled abdomen terminating in an asymmetrically hooked tail. Most hermit crabs protect this…


(Encyclopedia) CabindaCabindakəbĭnˈdə [key], Angolan exclave (1991 est. pop. 163,000), c.2,800 sq mi (7,300 sq km), W Africa; administered as a province. The town of Cabinda is the chief population…