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Brewer's: Daphne
Daughter of a river-god, loved by Apollo. She fled from the amorous god, and escaped by being changed into a laurel, thenceforth the favourite tree of the sun-god. Nay, lady, sit. If I but…Brewer's: Lucifer
The morning star. Venus is both an evening and a morning star: When she follows the sun, and is an evening star, she is called Hesperus; when she precedes the sun, and appears before…Brewer's: Manure
(2 syl.) means hand-work (French, main-oeuvre), tillage by manual labour. It now means the dressing applied to lands. Milton uses it in its original sense in Paradise Lost, iv. 628:- “Yon…Brewer's: Necessity
Make a virtue of necessity. (Shakespeare: Two Gentlemen of Verona, iv. 1.) “Quintilian has laudem virtutis necessitati damus: St. Jerome (epistle 54 section 6), Fac de necessitate virtutem…Brewer's: Nepenthe
(3 syl.) or Nepenthes, a drug to drive away care and superinduce love. Polydamna, wife of Thonis (or Thone, 1 syl.), King of Egypt, gave nepenthe to Helen (daughter of Jove and Leda).…Brewer's: Nine Spheres
(The). Milton, in his Arcades, speaks of the “celestial syrens' harmony that sit upon the nine enfolded spheres.” The nine spheres are those of the Moon, of Mercury, of Venus, of the Sun,…Brewer's: Sabbath
Day's Journey (Exodus xvi. 29; Acts i. 12), with the Jews was not to exceed the distance between the ark and the extreme end of the camp. This was 2,000 cubits, somewhat short of an…Brewer's: Sabrina
(Latin). The Severn. In Milton's Comus we are told she is the daughter of Locrine “that had the sceptre from his father, Brute,” and was living in concubinage with Estrildis. His queen,…Brewer's: Satan's Journey to Earth
(Milton: Paradise Lost, iii. 418 to the end). He starts from Hell, and wanders a long time about the confines of the Universe, where he sees Chaos and Limbo. The Universe is a vast…Brewer's: Scandal
means properly a pitfall or snare laid for an enemy; hence a stumbling-block, and morally an aspersion. (Greek, skandalon.) “We preach Christ crucified, unto the Jews a [scandal].” - 1 Cor…