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Displaying 421 - 430

Brewer's: Empedocles

(4 syl.) of Sicily. A disciple of Pythagoras According to Lucian, he threw himself into the crater of Etua, that persons might suppose he was returned to the gods, but Etna threw out his…

Brewer's: Empyrean

According to Ptolemy, there are five heavens, the last of which is pure elemental fire and the seat of deity; this fifth heaven is called the empyrean (from the Greek en-pur, in fire). (…

Brewer's: Epic

Father of epic poetry. Homer (about 950 B.C.), author of the Iliad and Odyssey. Celebrated epics are the Iliad, Odyssey, Æneid, Paradise Lost. The great Puritan epic. Milton's Paradise…

Brewer's: Melesigenes

So Homer is sometimes called, because one of the traditions fixes his birthplace on the banks of the Meles, in Ionia. In a similar way we call Shakespeare the “Bard of Avon.” (See Homer.)…

Brewer's: Michaelmas Day

September 29th, one of the quarter-days when rents are paid, and the day when magistrates are elected. Michael the archangel is represented in the Bible as the general of the celestial…

Brewer's: Milky Way

(The). A great circle of stars entirely surrounding the heavens. They are so crowded together that they appear to the naked eye like a “way” or stream of faint “milky” light. The Galaxy or…

Brewer's: Moloch

Any influence which demands from us the sacrifice of what we hold most dear. Thus, war is a Moloch, king mob is a Moloch, the guillotine was the Moloch of the French Revolution, etc. The…

Brewer's: Phineus

(2 syl.). A blind king of Thrace, who had the gift of prophecy. Whenever he wanted to eat, the Harpies came and took away or defiled his food. Blind Thamyris, and blind Moeonides, And…

Brewer's: Poets' Corner

(The). In Westminster Abbey. The popular name given to the south corner, because some sort of recognition is made of several British poets of very varied merits. As a national Valhalla, it…

Brewer's: Prime

(l syl.). In the Catholic Church the first canonical hour after lauds. Milton terms sunrise “that sweet hour of prime.” (Paradise Lost, bk. v. 170.) “All night long ... came the sound of…