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Displaying 431 - 440

Brewer's: Echidna

(E-kid'-na). Half-woman, half-serpent. She was mother of the Chimæra, the many-headed dog Orthos, the hundred-headed dragon of the Hesperides, the Colchian dragon, the Sphinx, Cerberos,…

Brewer's: Echo

The Romans say that Echo was a nymph in love with Narcissus, but her love not being returned, she pined away till only her voice remained. We use the word to imply similarity of sentiment…

Brewer's: Circe

(2 syl.). A sorceress. She lived in the island of Ææa. When Ulysses landed there, Circë turned his companions into swine, but Ulysses resisted this metamorphose by virtue of a herb called…

Brewer's: Cleombrotos

(4 syl.). A philosopher who so admired Plato's Phaedon that he jumped into the sea in order to exchange this life for a better. He was called Ambraciota (of Ambracia), from the place of…

Brewer's: Cocytus

[Ko-kytus ]. One of the five rivers of hell. The word means the “river of lamentation.” The unburied were doomed to wander about its banks for 100 years. (Greek, koku'o, to weep.) Cocytus…

Brewer's: Ariel

A spirit of the air and guardian of innocence. He was enslaved to the witch Sycorax, who overtasked him; and in punishment for not doing what was beyond his power, shut him up in a pine-…

Brewer's: Arimaspians

A one-eyed people of Scythia, who adorned their hair with gold. They were constantly at war with the gryphons who guarded the gold mines. As when a gryphon, through the wilderness ...…

Brewer's: Cyclops

One of a group of giants with only one eye, and that in the centre of their forehead, whose business it was to forge iron for Vulcan. They were probably Pelasgians, who worked in quarries…

Brewer's: Cynosure

(3 syl.). The polar star; the observed of all observers. Greek for dog's tail, and applied to the constellation called Ursa Minor. As seamen guide their ships by the north star, and…

Brewer's: Dagon

(Hebrew, dag On, the fish On). The idol of the Philistines; half woman and half fish. (See Atergata.) Dagon his name; sea-monster, upward man And downward fish; yet had his temple high…