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Displaying 401 - 410

Brewer's: Babel

A perfect Babel. A thorough confusion. “A Babel of sounds.” A confused uproar, in which nothing can be heard but hubbub. The allusion is to the confusion of tongues at Babel. (Genesis xi…

Brewer's: Candles of the Night

The stars are so called by Shakespeare, in the Merchant of Venice, v. 1. Milton has improved upon the idea:- Else, O thievish Night, Why shouldst thou, but for some felonious end, In thy…

Brewer's: Hebe

(2 syl.). Goddess of youth, and cup-bearer to the celestial gods. She had the power of restoring the aged to youth and beauty. (Greek mythology.) Wreathëd smiles Such as hang on Hebe's…

Brewer's: Hermes

(2 syl.). The Greek Mercury; either the god or the metal. So when we see the liquid metal fall Which chemists by the name of Hermes call. Hoole: Ariosto, book viii. Milton (Paradise Lost,…

Brewer's: Hesychasts

(pron. He'-se-kasts). The “Quietists” of the East in the fourteenth century. The placed perfection in contemplation. (Greek, hesuchia, quiet.) (See Gibbon, Roman Empire, lxiii.) Milton…

Brewer's: Hippogriff

The winged horse, whose father was a griffin and mother a filly (Greek, hippos, a horse, and gryphos, a griffin). A symbol of love. (Ariosto: Orlando Furioso, iv. 18, 19.) So saying, he…

Brewer's: Bardesanists

Followers of Bardesanes, of Edessa, founder of a Gnostic sect in the second century. They believed that the human body was ethereal till it became imbruted with sin. Milton, in his Comus,…

Brewer's: Beelzebub

God of flies, supposed to ward off flies from his votaries. One of the gods of the Philistines. (See Achor .) The Greeks had a similar deity, Zeus Apomyios. The Jews, by way of reproach,…

Brewer's: Lamp of Heaven

(The). The moon. Milton calls the stars “lamps.” Why shouldst thou ... In thy dark lantern thus close up the stars, That Nature hung in heaven, and filled their lamps With everlasting oil…

Brewer's: Latona

Mother of Apollo and Diana. When she knelt by a fountain in Delos (infants in arms) to quench her thirst at a small lake, some Lycian clowns insulted her and were turned into frogs. As…