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Brewer's: Uzziel

The angel next in command to Gabriel. The word means “Strength of God.” Uzziel is commanded by Gabriel to “coast the south with strictest watch.” (Milton: Paradise Lost, iv. 782.) Source…

Brewer's: Valdarno

The valley of the Arno, in Tuscany. the Tuscan artist [Galileo] views At evening from the top of Fesole, Or in Valdarno? Milton: Paradise Lost, bk. i. 207-200. Source: Dictionary of…

Brewer's: Vallombrosa

Milton says, “Thick as autumnal leaves that strew the brooks in Vallombrosa” (Paradise Lost, i. 302); but as the trees of Vallombrosa are chiefly pines, they do not strew the brooks with…

Brewer's: Spenser

(Edmund), called by Milton “the sage and serious Spenser.” Ben Jonson, in a letter to Drummond, states that the poet “died for lake of bread.” (1553-1599.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase…

Brewer's: Zephon

[scarcher of secrets]. The cherub despatched by Gabriel to find Satan, after his flight from hell. Ithuriel goes with him. (Milton: Paradise Lost, iv. 788-796.) Source: Dictionary of…

Brewer's: Zophiel

An angelic scout of “swiftest wing.” The word means “God's spy.” (Milton: Paradise Lost, yi. 355.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894ZoraidaZollverein A B C…

Brewer's: Stygian

(3 syl.). Infernal; pertaining to Styx, the fabled river of hell. At that so sudden blaze the Stygian throng Bent their aspect. Milton: Paradise Lost, x. 453. Source: Dictionary of…

Brewer's: Thestylis

Any rustic maiden. In the Idylls of Theocritos, Thestylis is a young female slave. And then in baste her bower she leaves, With Thestylis to bind the sheaves. Milton: L'Allegro. Source:…

Brewer's: Wassailers

Those who join a wassail; revellers, drunkards. I should be loath To meet the rudenoss and swilled insolence Of such late wassailers…

Brewer's: Silver Lining

The prospect of better days, the promise of happier times. The allusion is to Milton's Comus, where the lady lost in the wood resolves to hope on, and sees a “sable cloud turn forth its…