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Displaying 481 - 490

Brewer's: Sin

according to Milton, is twinkeeper with Death of the gates of Hell. She sprang full-grown from the head of Satan. ... Woman to the waist, and fair, But ending foul in many a scaly fold…

Brewer's: Sock

[comedy]. The Greek comic actors used to wear a sandal and sock. The difference between the sock and the tragic buskin was this- the sock went only to the ankle, but the buskin extended to…

Brewer's: Peeler

(A). Slang for a policeman; so called from Sir Robert Peel, who reconstructed the police system. Bobby, being the nickname of Robert, is applied to the same force. (See Bobby.) Peeler. It…

Brewer's: Sextile

(2 syl.). The aspect of two planets when distant from each other sixty degrees or two signs. This position is marked thus *. As there are twelve signs, two signs are a sixth. In sextile,…

Brewer's: Shepherd

The shepherd. Moses who fed the flocks of Jethro, his father-in-law. Sing, heavenly muse, that on the secret top Of Oreb or of Sinai didst inspire That shepherd, who first taught the…

Brewer's: Sabbath

Day's Journey (Exodus xvi. 29; Acts i. 12), with the Jews was not to exceed the distance between the ark and the extreme end of the camp. This was 2,000 cubits, somewhat short of an…

Brewer's: Pall

the covering thrown over a coffin, is the Latin pallium, a square piece of cloth used by the Romans to throw over their shoulders, or to cover them in bed; hence a coverlet. Pall, the…

Brewer's: Pamper

according to Junius, is from the Latin pampinus, French pampre (vine-tendril). Hence Milton- Where any row Of fruit-trees, over-woody, reached too far Their pampered boughs, and needed…

J - M

William JaggardThomas JamesJeremiah Whipple JenksGeorg JensenNicolas Jenson William Stanley JevonsSteve JobsJohn of SpeyerEldridge Reeves JohnsonEmory Richard JohnsonHoward JohnsonTom Loftin…

Champ Car Series Champions

Officially the “Bridgestone Presents The Champ Car World Series Powered by Ford“ since 2003. Formerly, AAA (American Automobile Assn., 1909-55), USAC (U.S. Auto Club, 1956-78), CART (…