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(Encyclopedia) TyreTyretīr [key], ancient city of Phoenicia, S of Sidon. It is the present-day Sur in Lebanon, a small town on a peninsula jutting into the Mediterranean from the mainland of Syria S…

Uladislaus II

(Encyclopedia) Uladislaus IIUladislaus II&oomacr;ˌläˈdĭslous [key], Hung. Ulászló II, c.1456–1516, king of Hungary (1490–1516) and, as Ladislaus II, king of Bohemia (1471–1516); son of Casimir IV…


(Encyclopedia) YüanYüanyüän [key], Mongol dynasty of China that ruled from 1271 to 1368. It was a division of the great empire conquered by the Mongols. Kublai Khan, who adopted the Chinese dynastic…


(Encyclopedia) TransylvaniaTransylvaniatrănˌsĭlvāˈnyə [key], Rom. Transilvania or Ardeal, Hung. Erdély, Ger. Siebenbürgen, historic region and province (21,292 sq mi/55,146 sq km), central Romania. A…

Papua, province, Indonesia

(Encyclopedia) PapuaPapuapăpˈ&oomacr;ə, –y&oomacr;ə [key] or Irian JayaIrian Jayaĭrˈēän jīˈyə [key], province (2014 est pop. 3,486,000), 123,180 sq mi (319,036 sq km), Indonesia. Comprising…

Rivera, Julio Adalberto

(Encyclopedia) Rivera, Julio AdalbertoRivera, Julio Adalbertoh&oomacr;ˈlyō ädälbārˈtō [key]Rivera, Julio Adalberto rēvāˈrä [key], 1921–73, president of El Salvador (1962–67). An army lieutenant…

Bayes, Thomas

(Encyclopedia) Bayes, Thomas, 1702–61, English clergyman and mathematician. The son of a Nonconformist minister, he was privately educated and earned his livelihood as a minister to the Nonconformist…

Stambulov, Stefan

(Encyclopedia) Stambulov, StefanStambulov, Stefanstĕˈfän stämb&oomacr;ˈlôf [key], 1854–95, Bulgarian politician. Protesting Ottoman rule in Bulgaria, he led the unsuccessful revolt of 1876, which…

Solovetski Islands

(Encyclopedia) Solovetski or Solovetsky IslandsSolovetski or Solovetsky Islandssələvyĕtˈskē [key], archipelago, c.150 sq mi (390 sq km), N European Russia, in the White Sea at the entrance of Onega…


(Encyclopedia) Pollonarrua or PolonnaruwaPolonnaruwaboth: pŏlˌənər&oomacr;ˈə [key], ruined ancient city, NE Sri Lanka. Pollonarrua, beautifully situated on a lake, was once the most splendid city…