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Ancren Riwle

(Encyclopedia) Ancren RiwleAncren Riwleängˈkrĕn rēˈ&oomacr;lə [key] or Ancrene WisseAncrene Wisseängˈkrĕnə wĭsˈə [key] [Mid. Eng.,=anchoresses' rule], English tract written c.1200 by an anonymous…


(Encyclopedia) Ándros Ándros änˈthrôs, ănˈdrəs [key], island, 146 sq mi (378 sq km), SE Greece, in the Aegean Sea, the northernmost and second largest of the Cyclades.…

Guardia, Tomás

(Encyclopedia) Guardia, TomásGuardia, Tomástōmäsˈ gwärˈdēä [key], 1832–82, president of Costa Rica. An army general, he led a revolt that eventually placed him in control and enabled him to rule the…


(Encyclopedia) KaliszKaliszkäˈlēsh [key], Ger. Kalisch, city (1993 est. pop. 106,600), Wielkopolskie prov., central Poland. An industrial center, it has factories producing textiles, clothing,…

Aozou Strip

(Encyclopedia) Aozou StripAozou Stripouˈz&oomacr; [key], 114,000 sq mi (295,000 sq km) strip of land in N Chad on the Libyan border. The region, which is believed to have significant uranium and…

Jeroboam I

(Encyclopedia) Jeroboam IJeroboam Ijĕrəbōˈəm [key], in the Bible, first king of the northern kingdom of Israel. He was an Ephraimite and led a revolt against Solomon, inspired probably by the…

Liu Pang

(Encyclopedia) Liu PangLiu Pangly&oomacr; bäng [key], Chinese emperor (206–195 b.c.), founder of the Han dynasty. Liu was of peasant origin and had been a minor official before joining the free-…


(Encyclopedia) PalembangPalembangpälĕmbängˈ [key], city (1990 pop. 1,144,047), capital of South Sumatra province, on SE Sumatra, Indonesia. The island's largest city, it is a deepwater port on both…

Nur ad-Din

(Encyclopedia) Nur ad-DinNur ad-Dinn&oomacr;r äd-dēn [key], 1118–74, ruler of Syria. He was the son of the conqueror Zangi, and he succeeded to power in 1145. He defeated the Seljuk Turks in Asia…

Muhammad XI, sultan of Granada

(Encyclopedia) Muhammad XI, d. 1538, last sultan of Granada in Spain (1482–92); also called Boabdil by the Spanish. He seized the throne from his father and thus plunged Granada into civil war at the…