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Oldcastle, Sir John

(Encyclopedia) Oldcastle, Sir John, 1378?–1417, English leader of Lollardry. He married the heiress of Lord Cobham in 1408 and was known as “the good Lord Cobham.” Under the rule of Henry IV he…

Fifth Monarchy Men

(Encyclopedia) Fifth Monarchy Men, religious group active during the time of the Commonwealth and Protectorate in England. They were millenarians expecting the imminent coming of Jesus to rule the…


(Encyclopedia) VidinVidinvēˈdĭn [key], city (1993 pop. 64,029), extreme NW Bulgaria, a port on the Danube River. The city is a market for the outlying farms and is known for its wine and ceramics. It…

Ubico, Jorge

(Encyclopedia) Ubico, JorgeUbico, Jorgehôrˈhā &oomacr;bēˈkō [key], 1878–1946, president of Guatemala (1931–44). An army general, Ubico as president established financial stability and political…


(Encyclopedia) TarsusTarsustärˈsəs, Turk. tärs&oobreve;sˈ [key], city (1990 pop. 191,333), S Turkey, in Cilicia, on the Tarsus (anc. Cydnus) River, near the Mediterranean Sea. It is an…


(Encyclopedia) TiradentesTiradentestērəᵺĕnˈtəs [key], 1748–92, Brazilian patriot. His real name was José Joaquim da Silva Xavier. He gained his nickname, which means “tooth-puller,” working as a…


(Encyclopedia) BoucicautBoucicautb&oomacr;sēkōˈ [key], c.1366–1421, marshal of France and crusader against the Ottoman Turks, whose real name was Jean III le Meingre. Captured by Ottoman Sultan…

Muhammad XI, sultan of Granada

(Encyclopedia) Muhammad XI, d. 1538, last sultan of Granada in Spain (1482–92); also called Boabdil by the Spanish. He seized the throne from his father and thus plunged Granada into civil war at the…


(Encyclopedia) MauryaMauryamouˈəryə [key], ancient Indian dynasty, c.325–c.183 b.c., founded by Chandragupta (Chandragupta Maurya). He conquered the Magadha kingdom and established his capital at…

Martelly, Michel Joseph

(Encyclopedia) Martelly, Michel Joseph, 1961–, Haitian musician and political leader. After periods of living in the United States, he returned home in 1987 and became a keyboard player and singer,…