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(Encyclopedia) RehoboamRehoboamrēˌəbōˈəm [key], in the Bible, last king of the United Monarchy, first king of Judah, son of Solomon. Under him the northern tribes broke away from the rule of…

Balmaceda, José

(Encyclopedia) Balmaceda, JoséBalmaceda, Joséhōsāˈ bälmäsāˈᵺä [key], 1840–91, president of Chile (1886–91). A leader of a liberal, anticlerical group, he was sent as minister (1878) to Argentina,…


(Encyclopedia) KhankendiKhankendikhänkănˈdē [key], formerly StepanakertStepanakertstyĭpänˌəkyĕrtˈ [key], city (1989 pop. 56,705), capital of Nagorno-Karabakh, a breakaway region of Azerbaijan. Silk,…

Kieft, Willem

(Encyclopedia) Kieft, WillemKieft, Willemvĭlˈəm kēft [key], 1597–1647, Dutch director-general of New Netherland. Arriving in New Amsterdam in 1638 to succeed Wouter Van Twiller, Kieft immediately…

Kim Young Sam

(Encyclopedia) Kim Young Sam, 1927–2015, South Korean political leader, b. Gyeongsang prov. He was first elected to the National Assembly in 1954 and served nine terms. A long-time political…


(Encyclopedia) KozhikodeKozhikodekōˈzhəkōdˌ [key] or CalicutCalicutkăˈlĭkət [key], city (1991 pop. 419,531), Kerala state, SW India, on the Malabar coast of the Arabian Sea. Once the leading port of…

Kufuor, John Kofi Agyekum

(Encyclopedia) Kufuor, John Kofi Agyekum, 1938–, Ghanaian political leader. A lawyer educated at Lincoln's Inn, London, and Oxford, he served in Ghana's parliament (1969–72, 1979–81) between periods…

Leguía, Augusto Bernardino

(Encyclopedia) Leguía, Augusto BernardinoLeguía, Augusto Bernardinooug&oomacr;sˈtō bārnärdēˈnō lāgēˈä [key], 1863–1932, president of Peru (1908–12, 1919–30). In his second administration Leguía…

Erlenmeyer, Richard A. C. E.

(Encyclopedia) Erlenmeyer, Richard A. C. E.Erlenmeyer, Richard A. C. E.ĕrˈlənmīˌər [key], 1825–1909, German chemist. He studied at Giessen under Justus von Liebig and at Heidelberg under Friedrich…

governor, in government

(Encyclopedia) governor, chief executive of a dependent or component unit in a political system. In the United States, a governor is the chief executive of each state and is elected by the people of…