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Balta, José

(Encyclopedia) Balta, JoséBalta, Joséhōsāˈ bälˈtä [key], 1816–72, president of Peru (1868–72). In 1865 he helped Mariano I. Prado to seize the presidency and served in his government, but in 1867…


(Encyclopedia) PerianderPerianderpĕrˈēănˌdər [key], d. 585 b.c., one of the Seven Wise Men of Greece, tyrant of Corinth. His rule raised his city to a high state of prosperity, and he established…


(Encyclopedia) KigaliKigalikēgäˈlē [key], city (1997 pop. 330,000), central Rwanda, capital of Rwanda. It is the country's main administrative and economic center. The city has an international…

Kountché, Seyni

(Encyclopedia) Kountché, SeyniKountché, Seynisānēˈ k&oomacr;nchāˈ [key], 1931–87, president of Niger (1974–87). He was army chief of staff when he ousted Hamani Diori, Niger's first president, in…

Kéa, island, Greece

(Encyclopedia) KéaKéakāˈä [key] or KeosKeoskāˈôs, kēˈŏs [key], Lat. Ceos, island (1991 pop. 1,787), c.61 sq mi (160 sq km), SE Greece, in the Aegean Sea; one of the Cyclades. Fruits, barley, and silk…

Kléber, Jean Baptiste

(Encyclopedia) Kléber, Jean BaptisteKléber, Jean BaptistezhäN bätēstˈ klābĕrˈ [key], 1753–1800, French general, b. Strasbourg. A trained architect, he attended military school in Munich and served in…

Kulikovo, battle of

(Encyclopedia) Kulikovo, battle ofKulikovo, battle ofk&oomacr;lyĭkôˈvə [key], 1380, victory of Grand Duke Dmitri Donskoi of Moscow over Khan Mamai of the Golden Horde. The battle was fought on a…


(Encyclopedia) KalamataKalamatakäləmäˈtə, kăl– [key] or KalámaiKalámaikäläˈmā [key], city (1991 pop. 44,052), capital of Messinia prefecture, S Greece, in the Peloponnesus; a port on the Gulf of…


(Encyclopedia) KathiawarKathiawarkäˈtēəwärˌ [key], peninsula, c.25,000 sq mi (64,750 sq km), W India, between the Gulf of Kachchh and the Gulf of Khambat. Almost all of Kathiawar is included in…


(Encyclopedia) KaffrariaKaffrariakəfrărˈēə [key], former name for what is now SE Eastern Cape prov., E South Africa. The region was inhabited by the Xhosa, who fought a series of wars with the Boers…