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(Encyclopedia) DurrësDurrësd&oomacr;rˈəs [key], Ital. Durazzo, city (1989 pop. 82,719), capital of Durrës dist., W Albania, on the Adriatic Sea. The chief seaport of Albania and the leading…

Hampton, Wade, Confederate general

(Encyclopedia) Hampton, Wade, 1818–1902, Confederate general in the American Civil War, b. Charleston, S.C.; grandson of Wade Hampton (c.1752–1835). Hampton, a wealthy planter, served (1852–61) in…

Kádár, János

(Encyclopedia) Kádár, JánosKádár, Jánosyäˈnôsh käˈdär [key], 1912–89, Hungarian Communist leader. In 1932 he joined the then illegal Communist party and held high government and party posts from 1942…


(Encyclopedia) RomagnaRomagnarōmäˈnyä [key], historic region, N central Italy, bordering on the Adriatic Sea in the east, now included in the regions of Emilia-Romagna, Marche, and Tuscany. Although…

Peter I, king of Serbia

(Encyclopedia) Peter I, 1844–1921, king of Serbia (1903–18) and king of the Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes (1918–21), son of Prince Alexander of Serbia (Alexander Karadjordjević). He was brought up in…


(Encyclopedia) PaduaPaduapădˈy&oomacr;ə [key], Ital. Padova, city (1991 pop. 215,137), capital of Padova prov., in Venetia, NE Italy, connected by canal with the Brenta, Adige, and Po rivers. It…


(Encyclopedia) VaudVaudvō [key], Ger. Waadt, canton (1993 pop. 593,000), 1,239 sq mi (3,209 sq km), W Switzerland. Lausanne is the capital. Bordering on France in the west, it lies roughly between…


(Encyclopedia) TokugawaTokugawatōˌk&oomacr;gäˈwä [key], family that held the shogunate (see shogun) and controlled Japan from 1603 to 1867. Founded by Ieyasu, the Tokugawa regime was a…


(Encyclopedia) MoldaviaMoldaviamŏldāˈvēə [key], historic Romanian province (c.14,700 sq mi/38,100 sq km), extending from the Carpathians in Romania east to the Dnieper River in Moldova. The region…


(Encyclopedia) MisratahMisratahmĭsräˈtä [key] or MisurataMisuratamēz&oomacr;räˈtä [key], city (1984 pop. 131,031), NW Libya, located in an oasis. A seaport on the Mediterranean Sea, the city…